The Lord has given the church a Gospel mandate to send preachers to all around the world – "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15). It is our blessed privilege to play a part in fulfilling our Saviour’s commission with total fervour and readiness.
As Paul challenged the church in Rome, "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" (Romans 10:14-15). May we too be summoned to carry out the Gospel work!
I praise the Lord for the opportunity given to me to minister to pastors and church leaders who gathered for a special conference arranged by Dr Jose Lagapa, a preacher of True Life B-P Church, in the Philippines. This ministry is organised under True Life B-P Church, especially for pastors and church leaders from the Mindanao Island. It was held in Central Mindanao University, Musuan, Bukidnon.
The Lord has been gracious to bless Dr Jose’s efforts to equip men in the work of the Lord and to encourage them to fight a good fight of faith in these days of apostasy and compromise. There were about 100 participants. Two people who rendered much help in the holding of this conference in CMU, Bukidnon were Dr Einstine Opiso and Prof. Patria Solidum.
I was asked to preach 6 messages on the main theme: "The Supremacy of God’s Word" (cf. Hebrews 4:12). The messages were: (i) God’s Word in Personal Lives, (ii) God’s Word in Worship, (iii) God’s Word in Prayer, (iv) God’s Word in Missions, (v) God’s Word in Church Discipline, (iv) God’s Word in the Defence of the Faith.
I was accompanied by my wife, Carolyn, and our son Cornelius. They were also tasked to speak to ladies and youths. Carolyn ministered to the ladies in their group meetings on: (i) God’s Word in teaching children, (ii) God’s Word in counselling ladies and children, (iii) God’s Word in disciplining children, and (iv) God’s Word in children outreaches. Cornelius preached to the Christian students of the university who regularly meet to study the Word.
Rev. Reggor Galarpe (Gethsemane BPC, Cebu), Pr Edsel Locot (Gethsemane BPC, Bohol), Eld & Mrs Eliezer Ortega (Gethsemane BPC, Bogo) were also present in the conference. They too ministered to the participants. While Rev Galarpe ministered the Word in the group meetings, the preachers led the meetings of the conference.
Let us continually pray for the work in Mindanao and in other places of the Philippines. Last Sunday, True Life B-P Church has begun a new work in Bohol island – Trinidad B-P Church. God be praised!
"O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him" (Psalm 34:8).
I am truly grateful to God for His goodness and faithfulness in sustaining me for the past semesters in GBI. Thank God for the many lessons I have learned. I am thankful also for God's faithfulness in providing for all my needs through GBPC-Singapore, and through love gifts from brethren. Thank God also for Pastor Reggor for giving me many opportunities to serve here in Cebu, particularly in Junior Worship.
Thank God also for the "school of God's providence", which put me through trials, difficulties, challenges and oppositions. Through all those experiences, I have learned many precious lessons that cannot be learned from theological classes alone. I believe that they are part of my training from the Lord in equipping me for the work that God has prepared for me.
God, in His mysterious and wonderful way, has led my path to Preacher Edsel’s life; God willing, after my last semester in GBI (January-April) next year, we will be joined in holy matrimony on the 18th of July 2020.
Please do continue to pray for me as I prepare myself for the future ministry that God has prepared for me, together with Pr Edsel, in Bohol. Please do pray also for the church and GBI in Cebu.
(Pastor’s note: Sis. Juvy Lynn Anaviso is a student of GBI, Cebu, in her last semester of biblical studies. She had heard the Lord’s call into full-time service, while she was working in Singapore and worshipping with us. We thank God for her good testimony amongst us during the years she lived in Singapore. She joined GBI, Cebu in June 2017 and is expected to complete her studies by May 2020. Please pray for Sis. Juvy as she looks forward to all that the Lord has planned for her in His vineyard.)