Lim Kok Hwee
I have, in many instances of my life, heard the preaching of the Word of God. However, because of my prideful self, I rejected God many times with a hardened heart. Yet God continues to be gracious towards me and continues to open up opportunities for me to be guided on the right path. I thank God for giving me another opportunity to attend the Gethsemane B-P Church (GBPC) Chinese Service through an invitation by Dn. Gan in December 2020. Since then, I have committed myself to attend and be part of the Chinese Service, which has become an essential part of my spiritual growth and learning.
As I regularly attend Gethsemane’s fellowship meetings and worship services, I was guided and touched by the Word of God. I realised that I had not been on the correct path and was regretful for rejecting Christ in the past. I admitted I was wrong. Under the guidance of Pr Daniel Lim during the catechism class, I accepted Christ as my personal Saviour and am grateful for all He has done for my salvation.
The Bible teaches us that we all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God. I realised that many of my past actions and conduct are missing the mark, and have to be repented of, that I may live a new spiritual life that is worthy of His glory. May I be diligent in my efforts in walking with God and submitting to His guidance, constantly asking for His forgiveness and relying on His strength and wisdom. May I, as a believer and God’s child, continue to strive to live my life bearing a good witness, and remaining faithful in prayer. As I continue to seek the truth through every word of God, may I be guided by the Holy Spirit, to be God-fearing and to please Him in every aspect of my spiritual life. As for this spiritual journey, I look forward to serve and rejoice in Christ with other members of GBPC.
Ong Wei Han
I come from a non-believing household, where both my parents are Taoists. Growing up, my understanding of Christianity was largely mixed. Lessons learnt from sermons during weekly Chapel services held in my school contrasted with my parents’ expressing of their prejudiced opinions on church issues, such as Charismatic practices and Christian tithing. It was a confusing process, where Christianity seemed to relate with “virtuosity” more than the grace and goodness of God through salvation in Christ.
It was through these small “sparks” that eventually ignited an interest in me to find out more about the Bible. While studying in university overseas, I started to attend weekly Sunday Services at a local church and attend its Bible study sessions. I thank God that through His Word, I was moved to acknowledge my sinful ways and take the step in accepting Christ on 21 July 2017.
It used to be a habit of mine to always try and solve problems on my own first before requesting for help. Many a time I found myself struggling and feeling lonely. Thank God for His Word in Matthew 7:7-8, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” It is always helpful for me to take a step back and remember this verse, which is so full of hope and joy. Indeed, it reminds me that God loves us deeply and wants to be involved with our lives daily, granting His wisdom and guidance if we only approach Him and ask.
I am grateful for the opportunities God has granted me to share the Gospel with my family and those around me. As I continue to journey with the Lord, I aim to live out His truth in Proverbs 3:5 – “Trust in the Lord with all thine; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” For all good things proceedeth from the Lord. Amen.
Agnes See
For as long as I can recall, Christianity has been very much a part of my life. I have been attending church and Sunday School since I was three years old, and had accepted Christ as a child. During those early years, my mother would read Bible stories to my siblings and I almost every night. I loved the stories and the life application lessons. When we were slightly older, we progressed to reading “Junior Read, Pray & Grow” booklets daily. Still, while my heart was intrigued by the miracles of God and courage of the patriarchs, God seemed to be a distant figure; somehow I did not feel a personal relationship with Him until much later.
God has a wonderful way of drawing His children to Him. When I went overseas to study, God’s providence led me to join a very caring and vibrant church, where sound doctrine was preached. What especially touched me was how the members loved and actively ministered to one another, which deeply encouraged my fledgling faith. It was during this period that my walk with God came to life. Although there wasn’t any specific or emotional moment for this, the daily close personal devotion, where I experience peace and joy in God’s presence, is something that I treasure till today.
While overseas, I had also been following Gethsemane’s online sermons and have been greatly blessed (and equally chastised) by the faithful preaching. Having recently completed my overseas education and now back in Singapore for good, it is my desire to find a church with sound biblical teaching, where I could also grow and serve in. I sincerely thank God for His constant guidance and mercies throughout my life, and for leading me to Gethsemane BP Church. All praise and glory be to God.
Valencia Hutagalung
I am thankful for having been brought up in a Christian family and having the opportunity to attend various church activities, such as worship services, prayer meetings and fellowship groups since I was young. Over the years, as I listened to the preaching of God’s Word, I grew in the knowledge of God and understood that we are all sinners who are doomed to hell if we are not saved. We must confess our sins, seek His forgiveness, and repent. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
As I experienced the struggles in my life, there were instances when I did not seek Him and tried to overcome them on my own. Though at times I got so overwhelmed by my own struggles, yet I did not think to look unto Him to guide me. However, over time, I realised that I must always pray to Him as I am unable to do anything without His help. He is a gracious God who will always be there to guide us in every step of our way. As Isaiah 41:13 says, “For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.” By the grace of God, I hope to be able to walk closer with Him.
I pray that I will be a faithful Christian who obeys His will. I also pray that I would be able to bear a good testimony to those around me, so that they may come to know the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. All glory be to God!
Andrew Jonathan Lee
I grew up in Gethsemane BPC, as my parents are members here. When I was younger, I felt that going to church was just a kind of routine to do on Sunday. However, as I grew older and listened to more messages, I started to understand that churchgoing cannot be treated the same way as going to school. Our pastor’s messages made me realise that God must occupy the most important place in my life, not studies or other things, which should all be devoted to God’s glory.
I thank God and pray that He will continue to help me to understand the doctrines being taught in the church, and to enjoy learning more about God’s truth in His Word. Not just in the church services, but also in church camps and seminars, such as the recent youth seminars on Calvinism and on church history. Thank God for Pastor’s sound advice through his preaching from Proverbs, and I pray that I will continue to faithfully attend the Youth Fellowship. I also am thankful for the catechism class that has helped me understand the fundamentals of our salvation. Thank God for saving me, and may He help me to continue growing, that I can be a good example and bear good testimony for Jesus in and outside of school.
Goh Ming Jun
Since young, I have always been brought to church by my parents. Like most conventional churchgoing children, I attended Sunday School, joined the Children’s Choir, and also became a regular reader of the “Junior Worshipper’s Page” in the church bulletin.
At first, the concept of there being a Creator watching over me, was quite easy to accept. However, when I entered secondary school, my faith was challenged, having greater exposure to the internet, as well as the increasingly liberal (and even immoral) attitudes / conduct of students in my school. There were times when I felt vexed by the acts of sin performed with seemingly no shame by ungodly students in school. Although I felt frustrated regularly (an experience that I believe many students would be able to relate to), I found solace in reading God’s Word, and found explanations to my problems. In these almost hopeless moments, His Word was truly a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path! This light banished away worldly distractions, making me realise that my studies ought to be but a vehicle to bring me closer to God. As a creature born into sin, I would never be able to fully comprehend the will of an omnipotent, perfect Creator. Through constant prayer and supplication, I hope to be more in tune with His will, as revealed in His Word. I look forward to the day that I will be called home, or swept up to the clouds to meet my Saviour. In the meantime, may I uphold the doctrine of Christ to show forth a good testimony to those around me, praying that my Master’s words to me would be: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Praise God for giving this church a faithful pastor, and a God-honouring board of elders. I thank the Lord also for giving me parents who have been steadfast in the Word, administering discipline where needed. Their desire for their children to live holy lives is shown through their chastening of us (though I suspect such chastening hurt them as much as us children). I hope that the church will remain attuned to God’s Word, even in this increasingly secularised society. Through thick and thin, I hope we will remain faithful and united in Christ, until our service in this world is ended.