The church of Jesus Christ needs godly men in the pews and pulpit whom He can count on to do His will and purposes in the church. When people within the church increasingly become materialistic, selfish, prideful, pleasure seekers, haters of the truth, and irreverent of God, we need to pray for godly men in our congregation. Very few men are genuine lovers of Christ and His righteousness these days. We live in a pernicious time, and hence we need to pray as David pleaded, “Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men” (Psalm 12:1).
God seeks those whose hearts are right with Him to take up the church’s offices, such as pastors, elders, preachers, deacons, etc. His chief concern is not about abilities or skills, but spiritual character. Hence, 1 Timothy 3:1-13 enumerates the spiritual and moral qualities required of elders and deacons who serve in church leadership.
God expects those who serve Him to be men of devout hearts. He delights in the humility and loyalty of the leaders of His people. In the Scriptures, we see God’s commendation of pious and zealous men who served Him. Here are some examples:
There is no greater honour that our church can receive than the godliness of its members and leaders. On the other hand, when the congregation is least concerned about godliness, the church will be scandalised, dishonoured, and degraded.
We praise God for the successful launch of Bible Witness TV on the 1st of September 2022. We are very grateful to note that people have started to watch it from around the world. Let us earnestly pray for the team that work daily on making the programmes available on BWTV for the edification of God’s people all around the world.
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How to access:
If you use a smartphone or tablet, access it through our Church App (Gethsemane BPC, downloadable from your app store) for the best viewing experience. You can also view BWTV on a larger screen by casting from the app to your smart TV.
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Notes received:
Dear Pastor,
Just a short note to add on to the many notes that you must have received, praising and thanking the Lord and you in leading the Bible Witness team over the many months culminating in the launching of Bible Witness TV. What a joyous occasion on this blessed first day of September 2022, to watch and be blessed by these wonderful videos! These videos showcase very well the often-quoted statement, “Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God”, in the minds and hearts of all who laboured for Him in this endeavour. May the Lord be gracious to grant more great things for His glory.
—Elder Mah Chin Kwang
We praise God for the effort made in getting WebTV live. Thank you, Pastor. Please share with the BW team that we are praying for the good work they have done and thank God for their efforts.
—Bro. Lijoy K George