Bible Witness Web Radio began its broadcast in January 2007. Since then, we have been airing biblically sound hymns, spiritual songs, sermons and other Christian audio resources on the internet, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All glory, thanksgiving and honour should be rendered to our God, who has strengthened us to maintain such biblically sound broadcast in BWWR for the edification of believers.
15 years ago, we had little or no knowledge on developing a web radio for the global proclamation of the sound doctrines of His Word. However, the LORD gave us brethren who could provide technical support and help to develop the content for the web radio. We thank the LORD for the service of everyone who has contributed to the development, running, and upkeeping of BWWR. Over the past 15 years, some who were instrumental in the setting up of the ministry have moved on; yet, the LORD, in His mercy, further provided skilled and dedicated brethren. So, BWWR continues to create more edifying content, and make further improvements to the quality of the broadcast.
On BWWR, you can listen to special programmes catering to the edification of various groups of listeners. For example:
On the BWWR webpage, the above programmes and some others are made available on an “on-demand” basis. More contents are also enumerated in its daily content lists, such as Readings from the Bible, Daily Devotions, Biblical Exhortations for Inquisitive Souls, Sermon Extracts, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, and Christian Poems.
We express our heartfelt thanks to all who have prayed for, and have supported BWWR through love gifts and service. Gethsemane preachers, elders, choirs and many members, including our children, have laboured joyfully over the years; surely, the Lord will not forget their work and labour of love, which they have shown towards His name through their service in BWWR (cf. Hebrews 6:10). A good part of our daily programme is Christian music – and in this regard, we thank the Lord for several godly Christian musicians and Christian recording groups that have allowed us to use their music and songs.
The Lord’s continuous enablement has sustained the ministry, despite the many challenges and struggles which could have rendered BWWR incapable of functioning. All glory be to our gracious God, who has deemed it His pleasure to bless BWWR as part of Gethsemane B-P Church’s effort for the worldwide Gospel ministry!
In thanksgiving to the Lord for 15 years of Bible Witness Web Radio, the Gethsemane Church Choir in conjunction with BWWR has released an album of 12 hymns that can be played or downloaded for free through the Bible Witness website or on our church app.
The 12 hymns range from praises for the first coming of Jesus, to prayers and preparation for His second coming. Hence, the ideas of Jesus’ redemptive plan and His present reign in believers’ hearts, even an expectant hope for His complete rule, are summed up in the phrase, “Thy Kingdom Come”.
The 12 hymns are:
To listen, please go to To listen on the app, just search for “Gethsemane BPC” in your app store to get started.