July 5, 2024

Proverbs 1:10

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy


Proverbs 1:10

10 My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.


This is a very necessary fatherly advice to all young people against the lure of sinners. With tenderness and gravity of heart, the young person is addressed: “My son”. It is vital that parents and those who minister to young people maintain an affectionate and yet vigilant spirit, to offer them timely advice that would guard them against the lure of sinners.

There is always something alluring about the ways of sinners. They who walk in sin also seek to entice others into their path. They aggressively promote their evil ways among young people, not even sparing those who are being brought up in godly homes. Sin is unduly glamorised and blatantly propagandised in the societies in which we live.

We cannot trust the world to bring up our children in godly ways. Whether it be in schools or universities, sports or arts centers, there are sinners constantly seeking to coax our children into wickedness. The word “sinners” emphasises their commitment to practise and promote sin. They are habitual sinners who have no qualms about pursuing a life of sin. They are not only persistent in their sins, they also constantly persuade others to follow their ways. So we must, with all seriousness, lovingly admonish children about the dangers of the allurement of sin and sinners.

The word “entice” implies a deceptive attempt to capture another’s imagination that involves portraying their ways as profitable and pleasurable. They masterfully conceal the perilous nature of their sin; they misguide their “prey” into thinking there is no evil or danger in what they do. They bait their hook and “package” their sinful ways as “great fun”, “entertainment”, “freedom”, etc. They promise to show their victim what real life is all about. They deceive the young ones with their flashy appeal.

Let us also note that sin’s greatest influence comes through “sinners”. It will often be a collective effort by sinners to entice a naive person into sin. They will work together to cajole their victim into wicked ways. The word “consent” denotes the beginning of a positive reaction to an appeal made. So, the admonition is that one should not even bother to consider the invitation of the sinners. A willingness to consider their alluring words will inevitably lead to a disastrous end. Thus, the young person must be convinced that he should totally ignore the counsel of the “sinners”.

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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