27 December, 2015

Youth Camp Testimonies

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy

Gethsemane B-P Churches of Singapore and the Philippines were guided by the grace of God to assemble their youths for a 5-day camp (21-25 Dec) in Cebu City, the Philippines. The main aim of this camp was to instruct and equip them to overcome the wicked devices of the world that war against their souls. The youths were taught from the Word of God by 8 preachers who came with prayerful preparation and a holy determination to persuade the youths with God’s Word to be overcomers of worldliness. With much biblical wisdom and discernment, the preachers unmasked the world’s satanic snares that are set against the Christian youths in the world around them. God’s servants pleaded with the hearts of our youths to be vigilant against temptations and bravely stand for Christ with clear understanding and firm conviction of the biblical truths.

There were also 3 youths from Pusan (Korea), brought by Pr Park (a graduate of FEBC), and 2 from Manila (the Philippines) who were relatives of our church members. With much thanksgiving for the ministry among the youths this past week, we publish some of their testimonies below (with more of them to be published next week):

Joshua Ortega (from Cebu)

The recent youth camp was indeed a great blessing to me. It was such a privilege for me to spend 5 days with fellow believers. The messages preached were the LORD’s own rebuke and reminder to me to be very cautious against temptations of sin that would come even through simple and mundane activities and events of life.

Everyone in the camp was friendly, and I felt comfortable talking to the youths from different churches. I thank God for enabling me to be part of this youth camp. I look forward to the next youth camp. All glory be unto God!

Esther Quek (from Singapore)

Ithank the Lord for His bountiful provisions, allowing my sister and I to attend this youth camp. Thank God for the faithful preachers who have expounded on the ways to overcome worldliness. Through the messages, I am reminded to flee away from youthful lusts and to set my eyes on heavenly things only. For youths, temptations are plenteous and the worldly things are alluring. However, the Bible warns us not to be deceived. Instead, we are exhorted to resist the devil and draw nigh to God. I pray that I would be an overcomer and increase my faith in Him so that as I return to school next year, I would be a vessel fit for the Master’s use. All glory be to God!

Lord Timothy Pernito (from Cebu)

Greetings from Cebu! Thank God for the recent combined Youth Camp of Gethsemane B-P Churches of Singapore and the Philippines. I thank God for the provisions and blessings, especially for the payment of fees for the camp. Pastor Reggor told the youths in our church a few months back to save up money in our piggy banks. We managed to save up to about a quarter of the fees. But the Lord provided the rest. He did not forsake us, His children.

I also thank the brethren from Singapore, Korea, Bogo, San Antonio, Bohol and Pangasinan. The camp was full of joy and encouragement. The messages were preached with truth and power. They opened our eyes that this world is filled with temptations of sin, and we need to overcome them all. I hope and pray that we could have this sort of camp again.

Jovial Tan (from Singapore)

I would like to thank God for granting me the privilege to join this youth camp. This camp has helped me tremendously as I do not know how to overcome the worldliness inside me before the camp.

One message that applies to me a lot was overcoming social media addiction. I have been addicted to Facebook, WhatsApp and other apps on my phone. This had taken a lot of my time. I could have used those times to study God’s Word. But after listening to Eld Richard Tiu’s sermon, I know that time is precious and I have to make something productive out of it. We should keep ourselves occupied with spiritual things. May God help me to awake, arise, walk and work in service for Christ.

Another message that applies to me was overcoming ungodly friendships, preached by Pr Donald dela Cruz. I have classmates who are very vulgar. Every sentence they speak has a vulgar word in it. This kind of friendship can be influential, which I have to avoid. I had tried spreading the Gospel to them but all they said was “boring”. If they hate God, they are go with them, I will be destroyed by them (Proverbs 13:20). My friends should be godly, lovely, loyal, as well as humble. As for some of my closer classmates who are unbelievers, I should share the Gospel with them without shame and be a living testimony for others to join me in God’s Kingdom. Through this combined youth camp, I have learnt that I can only overcome worldliness with the power of God (1 John 4:4; Titus 2:12-15). I have to lead my life with godliness and contentment (1 Timothy 6:6).

All glory be to God!

Jenice Choy (from Singapore)

Thank the Lord for a blessed camp, especially for a good time of fellowship with the youths from the Gethsemane B-P Churches of Cebu, Bohol, Bogo, San Antonio and Pangasinan. Thank the Lord for timely rebukes and chiding from the Lord through His Word. How many times I have fallen into the subtle lures of worldliness which I have gotten so used to! How indeed the devil works so powerfully to hinder many of our youths from listening to the Word of God, even by inflicting some of them with illnesses – but thank our Almighty God that He never forsakes His own and healed them quickly. I certainly look forward to the next youth camp soon!

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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