15 May, 2016

Update on Lions Home Ministry

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy

Jesus has said to His disciples, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:18-19).

Gethsemane Bible- Presbyterian Church has always been emulating her Saviour’s example and embracing His teaching, by constantly evangelising and reaching out to the lost souls, across all ages. On top of the demands of various ministries that our church has undertaken, Pastor Koshy’s burden has also been to reach out to the elderly with the Gospel message.

By the providence of God, Pastor Koshy (together with a team of brothers and sisters) was guided to commence this outreach effort to the elderly in May 1997, by ministering to the Lions Home, which was situated at Bedok South Avenue 2. Since then, by the grace of God, several elderly folks have, through this ministry’s humble efforts, come to believe in the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and were subsequently baptised.

In 2003, Lions Home expanded by setting up a branch in the Toa Payoh area, so as to accommodate more old folks in need. Praise be to God, we were also permitted to arrange for another Gospel outreach to the elderly folks in that home. Many more brothers and sisters responded to this “open door” and got involved. Over the years, we thank God for these brethren’s zeal in their efforts to exhort and encourage those senior residents in both the Bedok and Toa Payoh Lions Homes. This has further led to a few more elderly believers being baptised!

Come October 2015, when the Singapore Government decided to acquire possession of the land occupied by Toa Payoh Lions Home for further development, the affected home was then moved to No. 9, Bishan Street 13. In spite of the change in location, we thank God for the administration’s continued granting of permission for us to carry on with our ministry to the elderly at the new Bishan premises. God willing, we will see some “fruit of our labours” very soon, as two more elderly believers from Bishan Lions Home have expressed their decision to get baptised. The names of these two elderly brethren are: Mr James Wee and Mdm Theresa Kok Khim Ee

Bro James Wee accepted the Lord as his Saviour a few months ago and has been joyfully attending our meetings regularly. Last week, when I ministered to him, I impressed upon him, from the Scriptures, the need for a believer to be baptised in the Lord when he has received Jesus Christ as his Saviour. Bro James understood this and has expressed his delight to be baptised.

As for Sis Theresa Kok Khim Ee, she has believed in the Lord since a few years ago. However, due to certain circumstances, she was not able to be baptised. The Lord has been good to her as she has always professed her steadfastness towards her Saviour Jesus Christ. She too has been a regular participant in our Bible study at Bishan Lions Home every alternate Sunday when we visited them. We thank God that Elder Mah has explained to Sis Theresa with regard to baptism, and she has expressed her readiness to be baptised.

As our Lions Home Ministry team continue to labour and render our services to God, we exult joyfully for the constant reminder and encouragement by the apostle Paul in Romans 10:15 – “And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”

Please continue to remember us in prayer as we continue to labour for His glory and honour.

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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