‘Bible Witness Kids’ is a fresh attempt by our Bible Witness Media Ministry to reach children over Zoom platform with spiritually edifying programmes. The Lord has tremendously blessed this brand-new programme of BWMM to bring the Word of God to 90 children from Singapore and other South-East Asian countries.
It was a 5-day (June 21-25) event, but it took three months of planning and much labour from the media staff at Gethsemane Media Centre. Three sisters, Melissa Mah, Sharon Ng and Dorcas Koshy, co-laboured incessantly throughout the conceptualisation, initial planning, and trial runs until the final minute of the programme. They were ably supported by Bro. Matthew Peh, with his technical expertise, which they needed in recording and streaming the event over the internet. We have well-equipped teachers to teach the children (Pr Kelvin Lim, Eld. Francis Lee, Pr Cornelius Koshy, Abigail Koshy [Gethsemane BPC], Joycelyn Chng [True Life BPC], Rachel Leong [Tabernacle BPC], David Chew [Truth BPC]). We also thank the Lord for our church members and friends - Carolyn Koshy, Choy Luan Kheng, Tan Beng Yan, Roscelle Lim, Low Hui Lin, Sarah Yong, Rhodora Resuma, Adeline Chong, Esther Quek, Jenice Choy, Amoz Choy, Gan Chien Huey, Titus Ho, Elvin Siew, Rayson Tan, Clara Cho [Gethsemane BPC], Benjamin Yeo [Truth BPC] - who lovingly and cheerfully contributed their time and efforts to make this programme beneficial to all the participating children.
Our GMC studio is indeed a timely gift which the Lord has provided, that we may cater to the spiritual needs of our church – adults, youth and children alike, and even to our mission fields – just before the Covid-19 lockdowns began. GMC needs more capable, skilled and dedicated full-time staff, for which we must continue to pray so that we can effectively provide sound spiritual resources to our congregation and all around the world. We pray that ‘Bible Witness Kids’ will develop into a regular feature for the Bible Witness WebTV, which we desire in the Lord to begin soon.
Joseph Everson Zagado, 9, Gingoog City, The Philippines
Firstly, I learned from “The Life of David” in Psalm 5, that the Lord is dependable because He can protect His children. So I must trust the Lord. I also learned about the life of Jude and Solomon during the crossword puzzle activity. I enjoyed learning the new Scripture in Song – Psalm 127:1 – “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it”, which I like.
Secondly, on “The Essentials of Saving Faith”, I thank God that I learned to pray for mercy like the publican. I see myself, a sinner. I thank God that if I say sorry to Him, He will remove my sin. I am sad that Judas betrayed Jesus – I pray that I will not do it. I learned to sing, answer and memorize Bible verses. Though I was nervous, I tried my best to answer the questions by writing them on a paper.
Thirdly, concerning “Trusting God in Bitter Waters”, I learned the story of Moses and the Israelites when God called them to go to the Promised Land. They were in the desert and became thirsty and tired. They found the place Marah, but there was bitter water. Moses prayed to God and the water became sweet. I learned that God will provide my need if I will pray to Him sincerely.
Lastly, the lesson on “The Evidence of Saving Faith” from James 2:17, taught us that believers must love others. If others do something to hurt us, when they say sorry to us, we must forgive. We must endure because Jesus did endure Himself and became a sacrifice for us. I enjoyed the activity lesson and learning the answers to the questions (though they were a bit hard).
I thank God for the Bible Witness Kids’ teachers. They taught me to read Bible verses and explained them. (I also learned new songs from the Bible verses.) They taught me how to do art & craft also. They taught us everything from the Bible! Thank you teachers for teaching me. Thank you, Lord.
El Rafha J. Timaan, 9, Bohol, The Philippines
Praise God for the meaningful and fruitful 5 days of Bible Witness Kids programme. Thank God for the opportunity that I can be part of this programme. I have been blessed to learn God’s Word more, and to have the opportunity to learn new “Scriptures in Song”. “Thank you” to all of our teachers who taught us for 5 days straight patiently. Thank God that they taught us scriptural songs, Bible lessons and lesson activities. They also helped us to recite memory verses, to learn biblical phrases, art & craft, in order for us to know more about God’s Word. Praise God for all of their labour. Daghan Kaajong salamat. God bless.
Rico Apostol, Bohol, The Philippines
I would like to thank God for this programme. I thank all teachers who taught us the Word of God, along with singspiration and art & craft. There are many things that I have learned during this 5-day programme of the Bible Witness Kids. Thank you for the opportunity. God bless.
Rufus Wang, 8, Singapore
I would like to thank God and all my teachers for teaching me about having a saving faith, trusting in God in all circumstances and showing my love for others through action. I enjoyed memorizing Bible verses and singing songs to praise God. Being able to make a sculpture, using Bible verses that I have written, was my favourite activity. My appreciation to the church and Bible Witness Media Ministry for making this valuable learning opportunity possible for me and my family.
Candijay children, The Philippines
We thank the Lord for enabling us to join the Bible Kids programme, which gave us the opportunity to learn more about Jesus and the Bible. Thanks to all our teachers who patiently taught us and encouraged us to learn more about the Bible. We really enjoyed memorizing verses and answering questions. We thank also Preacher Edsel and Auntie Juvy who encouraged us to attend this programme, and provided us all the things needed for the activities to be able to join the programme. Thank you everyone.
Irish and Aira Galigao, 10 and 8, Candijay, The Philippines
Thank God for the opportunity to join the programme. We enjoyed all the activities, such as memorizing Bible verses, art & craft, quiz and listening to the lessons taught by our teachers. Although we are not fluent in English, we have learned little by little. Thanks to all the teachers who taught patiently and faithfully to us children, and also to all the staff who made a lot of effort to ensure a successful programme. Thank the Lord. God bless us all.
Kenrick Limbaga, 11, Cebu, The Philippines
Thank the Lord for the Bible Witness Kids, and also for the lessons learned and verses we memorized. “Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah” (Psalm 62:8).
Kemuel Limbaga, 9, Cebu, The Philippines
I am thankful for the brethren behind the scenes, who ensured that we had a good connection and also for the art and craft. I also praise God for learning more about God’s Word during the week, that we may apply it in our life. I learnt that we must read the Bible, not just for the sake of reading it, but to help us grow stronger in faith. “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone” (James 2:17).
Jaiden Paul Justin, 7, India
Thank God for the opportunity to attend this programme. I learnt the importance of trusting God and enduring in faith. Praise God for all the coordinators and teachers!
Nathania Florentino, 5, The Philippines
I thank God for Bible Witness Kids programme, for teaching me new memory verses and hymns to sing. I like the art & craft and memorizing of scriptures best. I learned that holiness is being perfect, right and set apart. Some of the memory verses that I can still remember are as follows: “There is none holy as the LORD” (1 Samuel 2:2a); “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers” (2 Corinthians 6:14). Thank God my younger brother also likes to sing “Trust and Obey”.
Naomi and Esther Galarpe, 12 and 7, Cebu, The Philippines
We praise and thank God for Bible Witness Kids, which was held June 21-25. We thank God that we were given the opportunity to join in this programme. We praise God for the blessed and fruitful time spent together with the children from different countries. We also thank God for the lessons, activities, Bible verses, and the songs we learned. We praise God for all the faithful and engaging labourers. We pray that as we grow older, we may be able to keep all the lessons that we have learned. All glory be unto God!
Annabelle Lim, 7, Singapore
I thank God for the opportunity to attend the Bible Witness Kids programme for 5 days. God is so good to enable us to have the meeting even though we cannot come together to worship God. On day 1, I learnt about being “holy”. Holy is perfect. It also means that something is right or good or set apart. Jesus is a good example because He is perfect.
On day 2, I learnt two parables - the Parable of the Lost Sheep and the Parable of the Lost Coin. If you have 100 sheep and one sheep is lost, will you find the sheep? Yes! If you have 10 coins and one coin is lost, will you find the coin? You will!
On day 3, I learnt that after we believe in God, our hearts will be changed. The essentials of saving faith include having godly sorrow for sin and true repentance of sin. Though Judas Iscariot was regretful over his betrayal towards Jesus Christ, he turned away from Jesus and hanged himself on a tree. That is worldly sorrow, not godly sorrow. It is a very wicked thing to take our own lives and we must never do that. When we do something that is wrong, we must turn to Jesus and repent. This is godly sorrow.
On day 4, I learnt about the Parable of the Lost Son. Through this parable, I learnt that Jesus welcomed sinners to His love and is willing to save. We must repent of our sins and follow Him. But we must be prepared that following Jesus does not mean that there will be no trouble in life. When God allows troubles to come, we need to ask God to help us in our difficulties. Whatever trouble we face, we must still pray to God, knowing He will provide everything we need.
On day 5, I learnt that God is holy and so we must be holy. We must separate ourselves from the world, and obey God’s Word, just like Daniel in the Old Testament, who purposed in his heart not to eat the king’s meat and drink the king’s drink. He did not want to make God angry.
I am happy to join BW Kids. I learnt so much from God’s Word. I liked all the activities - the crafts, quizzes and new songs. I like the BW Kids folder very much. Thank you Pr Cornelius, Sis Rachel Leong, Sis Abigail Koshy, Bro David Chew, Pr Kelvin Lim, Sis Joycelyn, Eld Francis and Sis Dorcas for your teaching. I pray that God will help me to bear good fruits through their teachings. Praise be to God.
Kyle Ong, 12, Singapore
Bible Witness Kids has helped me so much for my growth in Christ. As a 12-year old kid, I still don’t know much about God, and this has really taught me much about our Lord. I thank God for this opportunity to learn more about Him. The messages are easy to understand; the teachers are very kind and patient too! Thank you for the effort that has been put into Bible Witness Kids! Thank you!
Cherish Ong, 10, Singapore
I am very thankful for this opportunity to participate in Bible Witness Kids. It has been a blessing to be part of it. I hope there will be more such activities to participate in!
Lauren Ong, 7, Singapore
Thank you very much for the Bible Witness Kids programme. I liked doing the worksheets and the “Beatitudes” art & craft banner. Thank you, Auntie Luan Kheng, Uncle Benjamin, and the teachers for teaching me God’s Word!
Justus and Sophia Ong, parents, Singapore
We praise God for the privilege of having Kyle, Cherish and Lauren attend the BW Kids June 2021 programme. The kids looked forward to 3pm every afternoon, and thoroughly enjoyed their time of learning. “Thank you” to the BW Kids team for all the planning, to the speakers for the daily messages, to the teachers for welcoming the children, and to the helpers for teaching them new songs and craft. May God continue to use you to bless many souls!
Goh Han Meng, parent, Singapore
“Thank you”, in God’s name, to the team for all the hard work done by His grace. The sermons have been edifying and will help the children to slowly learn to sit through the adult worship sermons in the future.
Josephine Goh, parent, Singapore
Thank God for your labour of love for the Bible Witness Kids programme. May God continue to bless this ministry and your church. Thank God for faithful Bible teachers who taught Charissa (aged 4) His Word. We appreciate all their labour of love. (She was also happy that her father helped her in the activity tasks too.) I pray that she can grow to love and understand His Word more and more.
Rhodora Resuma, parent, Singapore
I thank the Lord for His grace in enabling my children and I to join the Bible Witness Kids programme. Indeed, it was a blessed and fruitful 5-day programme full of Bible lessons, Bible-related activities (like trivia and art & craft), and even having the opportunity to learn new songs. Thank God for using Bible Witness Media Ministry to organise this event to minister to the children. With grateful heart and anticipation, I am looking forward to the next BW Kids.