30 June, 2024

Testimonies of 7th Missionary Conference

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy

Rev. Reggor B. Galarpe

I praise and thank the Lord for the recently concluded 7th Missionary Conference of Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church that was held in Malaysia from June 10-14, 2024. Having attended all the previous missionary conferences – the very first being held in Malaysia (2005), the second here in Cebu City (2007), the third in Ethiopia (2011), the fourth in Singapore (2014), the fifth in Kuching, East Malaysia (2017), and the sixth held “online” via Zoom at the height of the Covid pandemic (2021) – I praise and thank the Lord for the opportunity to join the seventh, together with my family!

As with the rest of the participants, especially the pastors and missionaries from different parts of the world, we returned home bringing with us abundant blessings – as we have been: 

  1. Refreshed by the warm hospitality, love and generosity of our brethren in the “mother church” (GBPC, Singapore). From our arrival until our departure, there’s warm fellowship throughout! We have been well taken care of, both in body and soul, with the brethren opening their homes for us, as well as bringing us out for fellowship over meals. Our souls were further refreshed through the many opportunities to hear God’s Word at the conference meetings, as well as during the Lord’s Day services at Gethsemane BPC, Singapore.
  2. Reunited with old friends and like-minded brethren. Indeed, it is just so wonderful to be able to meet and “catch up” with fellow labourers in the Lord’s vineyard, and also with brethren whom we’ve known and been friends for many years since the time I was still studying in FEBC. Moreover, we have the joy of meeting new “additions” to the ever-growing number of labourers in the harvest! I thank the Lord for our brethren from various parts of India whom we’ve met for the first time, and the opportunity to hear of their testimonies. Not to mention the privilege of taking part in the ordination of one preacher into the pastoral ministry.
  3. Rejoicing in the Lord as we listened to reports and testimonies from missionaries. Evenings at the conference were spent in hearing mission reports, where we got to see how the Lord has worked in and through the missionaries from various mission fields. It is comforting to hear our “co-labourers” testifying how the Lord enabled them to overcome their respective challenges, and thus to press on with the work.
  4. Renewed as we listened to and learned from God’s Word. I thank the Lord for the many opportunities to hear the preaching of God’s Word through the various speakers’ exposition on the theme: “Proclaimers of Faith Under Fire!” Thank God for the very appropriate theme as it gave us the opportunity to examine our own spiritual condition in relation to the ministry that the Lord has entrusted unto us. I have been greatly ministered to by the insights and applications that Pastor Koshy shared with us. Praise God!
  5. (Last but not least) Recharged to be able to continue in the work of the ministry. To me, missionary conference is always a time to be re-charged, whereby you “rest awhile” from your daily routine and take some time to be fed and nourished in the Word, in prayer and in fellowship among the brethren. Yes, the assurance from God’s Word, the prayers of God’s people, and testimonies of God’s servants, are just so overwhelming that you will be “stirred” or “fired” up to continue in the work of the Lord.

By God’s grace, my family have returned and arrived safely home (as with the rest of the participants) – and yes, we have been greatly blessed! All praise and glory be unto God!

Elder Eliezer Ortega

“Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits” (Psalm 103:1-2).

All glory and praise be unto the Lord for the 7th Missionary Conference. It is a great blessing for me and my wife to join the conference. It was indeed a time of spiritual nourishment and outpouring of blessings, both physical and spiritual. 

The Lord be praised for using Pastor Koshy and various ministers of God’s Word to preach to us the respective theme messages. It was a great and blessed time of learning from God’s Word, which stirred our minds and hearts. It was a great opportunity for our spiritual learning and exercise. It has greatly strengthened my faith and love for Jesus. It has also renewed us to a joyful and zealous service for the Lord.

Praise the Lord for the respective missionaries’ reports. Thank God for how He prospers the work in different regions of the world, including our small churches in Bogo and San Antonio, which are part of God’s work in the saving of souls. The Lord’s strength and help in the different struggles and challenges of the missionaries and pastors have assured us of God’s timely help and sufficient grace for our own struggles and challenges.

I thank God also for the opportunity to meet and fellowship with old and new brethren. It was a blessed time of fellowship. Praise the Lord for the brethren who had taken good care of each and every missionary, through their hospitality and gifts. Thanks be unto God also for our hosts, who lovingly welcomed and cared for us in their home.

Thank God also for Pastor Koshy, the Board of Elders, and all those who have laboured hard for the 7th Missionary Conference. Praise be unto the Lord from whom all blessings flow. All glory be unto God!

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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