October 13, 2024

Testimonies of New Membership Candidates—Part 1

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy

Esther Tay

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13).

I thank God that I am a second-generation Christian, who was baptised as an infant and who reaffirmed my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord in 2005. I started attending Gethsemane BPC since 15th July 2023. Prior to that, I was unable to attend church for some time due to COVID and other unforeseen circumstances. During that time, I had been praying for the strength and courage to attend church, as I missed the company of like-minded brethren and would love to bring my then 3-year-old child to church, for the first time. We thank God that we can attend the 8.30am Sunday Service faithfully in Gethsemane BPC, and listen to the truths of the Bible preached by faithful ministers. I pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen me, and allow me to serve Him more, together with my child soon.

Ho Shirley

I was baptised in the Roman Catholic faith upon the sudden death of my mother when I was young. However, there was no change in the way I lived till the day I was invited to join a BP Bible-study group gathered at a friend’s home. 

On hindsight, I believed that it was the Holy Spirit who opened my heart and mind to the truth of God’s Word, answering all the numerous questions which I was not allowed to ask in the Catholic faith. I started attending Calvary Pandan and True Life BP Churches, and also started studying at the night classes held at FEBC.

Praise God for the way God’s Word was so unwaveringly expounded at FEBC night lectures by Pastor Koshy and for how God’s Word was also unapologetically expounded at all worship services, retreats, gatherings and church camps at Gethsemane. All these convicted me that I ought to be found in a church where God is highly exalted and His Word faithfully taught. The preaching of the Word frequently pierced and penetrated my thoughts, constantly confronting my sinful and defiant ways. I feel very uncomfortable whenever I have inadvertently done anything that reminds me that I have not been a good witness for Christ. In John 6:63, Jesus said, “the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” And I testify that God’s Word exhorts, rebukes, corrects and instructs me all the time because it is the living Word.

I thank God for all that He has blessed me with, and I pray that I shall do all that God has purposed for me in my life. All glory be to God!

Matilda Tay

I’ve always been exposed to Christianity since my earliest memory. My mum taught me to pray; she taught me that Jesus is God. I attended Sunday School regularly, and even studied in a missionary school. So, for the longest time, I’ve always been surrounded by Christianity.

However, I never knew God personally or my need for Him till later on. I got baptised at the age of 10, thinking that baptism would cleanse me and would dub me as a Christian. I recall vividly thinking to myself: “Oh, I must behave now, I must be good, especially now that I am baptised”. For the first week, it went well; the second week was not too bad, but after that, I failed terribly.

Since baptism till my teens, I tried to be a “good Christian”, which came through the “façade” of being a good student and a good friend. But deep down, I was still beset with pride and anger, which were often displayed at home.

After my ‘O’ Levels, I attended a church camp that prompted me to reflect deeply. The preacher challenged us to consider how we would live our life once we returned “to the world” after the camp. That question made me rethink the consistency of my faith. As a result, I began dedicating more time to reading the Bible and also joined a Christian fellowship group in polytechnic (called Cru). Through this group, I was exposed to a clear presentation of the Gospel for the first time. I came to understand my fallen nature and its consequences (Romans 3:23; 6:23), and how we could only be redeemed through Jesus’ death and resurrection (Romans 5:8).

Of course, I still sin. But through daily repentance and reliance on Christ’s completed work on the cross, I have hope that He will grant me the grace, through the Spirit, to live as “a new creature” (2 Cor 5:17), in response to His goodness towards me.

I am joining GBPC in preparation for my marriage to Bro Galen, trusting that I will continue to grow in knowledge and love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and serve God together.

Clement Tan

“The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether” (Psalm 19:7-9). 

Through the lessons taught in the catechism programme, I have learnt many things about God – who God is to; what He has promised in His Book, the Bible; how Christians should conduct their lives, etc. These lessons made me realise how perfect our God is, and how imperfect I am. This makes me want to study God’s Word even more, in order to learn more of His precious truths. The promises of God also make me hopeful that the prophecies of God will soon be fulfilled, and that Christians can become “incorruptible” after Christ’s second coming, whereby we are able to praise God and serve Him forever. 

Additionally, the statutes of God have set the guideline as to how I should live my life as a Christian, and how I can stay away from sin. Lastly, learning about God’s judgment against sinners and His punishments, deters me from committing sin as I live in hope of joining Christ in Heaven. These lessons have helped me understand the purpose of a Christian, which is to study more of God’s truths, in order to serve Him more and eventually join Him in Heaven. I am convinced that I’m saved by Christ. This is why I want to reaffirm my faith, that I may commit to serve God more and learn more of His truths, allowing me to mature as a Christian.

I thank God I was born into a Christian family. Since I was young, I have attended church with my family, but did not fully understand what Jesus did for us. However, after encountering some setbacks in my life, I felt down and lonely. This made me realise how important Christ is to our lives, and how He is like a friend to us.

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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SingPost Centre
Level 5 Auditorium
10 Eunos Road 8, Singapore 408600
(next to Paya Lebar MRT station)
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