28 May, 2017

Seniors’ Ministry 12th Anniversary Testimonies

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy

All honour and glory be unto God for sustaining the existence and work of the Gethsemane Seniors’ Ministry all these years. God’s compassionate love and care have been lavished upon the Seniors’ Ministry throughout the past 12 years.

Indeed, when the Seniors gathered together to commemorate the 12th Thanksgiving Service held at Aloha Changi Chalet on 17 May 2017, joy overflowed from the hearts of many who have been looking forward to witness the goodness of the Lord through that meeting.

On that joyful morning, we arrived at the chalet at 9.30am amidst much laughter and excitement. Not surprisingly, the splendid view afforded by the chalet, which was located along the coastline, added to the pleasant mood of anticipation.

Having settled down, our morning devotion began at 9.40am with the praising and worshipping of God. We then had the privilege of listening to Rev Wee Eng Moh, who exhorted us on “The Gravity of Life on Earth” from Psalm 90, which teaches us to number our days. This was followed by the sharing of testimonies by three seniors, namely Sis Magdalene Lim, Sis Tay Soo Thian and Mdm Ang Tua Moi. (You can read their testimonies which are also published in today’s bulletin.) Mdm Ang also presented a song after her testimony. After which, we proceeded for some light refreshments, coupled with a time of Gospel-sharing with our invited non-believing friends and loved ones.

After our refreshments and Gospel-sharing session, the seniors settled back in preparation for the second devotion. Elder Mah led us in the lusty singing of spiritual songs before the preaching of God’s Word by our beloved Pastor Koshy from Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, whereby we were exhorted that we must fear God and keep His commandments.

After a sumptuous lunch, the seniors had a “friendly” competition in games, where they were divided into four groups and had 2 long hours of challenging activity. Truly, thank God for His sufficient grace that granted the elderly folks the strength and the privilege to enjoy such experiences without any harm and injuries! As Elder Mah and Preacher Daniel Lim gave out the prizes, there was loud applause from all the seniors, as everyone had enjoyed the activities.

We praise God that in this ministry, many have been nurtured and encouraged by the Word of God. For that reason, they are grateful and thankful and have been contributing by serving Him with zeal and enthusiasm in various aspects of service. In particular, we also see God’s provision being displayed when many of the elderly gave cheerfully with their contribution of money and food to this event.

Indeed, God’s grace and mercy have been showered upon the Seniors’ Ministry through this Thanksgiving Service. Mention must also be made of the brethren from the Gethsemane Care Ministry, who have been a great help to assist the uncles and aunties in the chalet. Thank God for such brethren who labour in the Lord to serve others.

And may this anniversary service impress upon our seniors to remember their Creator to worship Him and be steadfastly devoted to Him while they still have breath. As the psalmist exhorts, “All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name. Selah … O bless our God, ye people, and make the voice of his praise to be heard: which holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved” (Psalm 66:4, 8-9).

Mdm Magdalene Lim

Thank God for enabling me to attend the Gethsemane Seniors’ Fellowship 12th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service and I want to testify of God’s loving kindness and tender mercies as follows:

  1. Thank God for a successful operation in removing my breast cancer.
  2. Thank God for the prayers, encouragement and help of brethren in the church.
  3. Thank God for giving me joy and peace.

When I discovered a lump in my right breast in March, God is the first person I confided in. I prayed, “Lord, You know what I am going through. I won’t be afraid, I would be brave with joy.”

When the report showed that the lump was malignant, my first thought was: “Let my family members quickly receive the Lord as their personal Lord and Saviour.” My second request to God was: “May the money I receive from my insurance be channelled to the church building fund.”

Truly, when a person is sick or encounters a crisis in life, he or she becomes closer to God. I know I am not the only person who is suffering. I believe every person at some point of his or her life will face some sort of tragedy. Whether it be family issue, sickness, financial need, or whatever affliction, if we listen to His words (knowing God is with us) and are willing to do His will, there will be joy and peace.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, this world is not our home. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, then there is joy in everything. All glory be to God!

Mrs Poon (Tay Soo Thian)

My heart is filled with thanksgiving to God, having been with Gethsemane Church for the past 12 years. In 2004, my daughter was baptised and this was the first time I came to know of this church. During the first year, whenever I heard the gospel message being preached (John 3:16-18), my heart was warmed and moved. I realised my life purpose is to know the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour. Upon receiving Christ, my heart was filled with joy.

I myself was baptised in 2005. However, in my daily life, I often encountered many struggles and temptations. I sometimes found myself going back to my old ways of living and falling to my weaknesses. I often prayed to God for help, and He delivered me. Each day I would pray to the Lord and He gave me strength to overcome my troubles and weaknesses.

In 2010 when I went for my usual medical check-up, I was told that there were cancer cells in my body. However, I felt no fear because I have already believed in the Lord and He has saved me. While undergoing several treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, I would pray for grace to go through and the Lord helped me each time I turned to Him. During the time of treatment, God’s Word was my best medicine, which enabled me to even comfort my family members because of their worry for me.

Jesus is my life’s best gift. I thank God for choosing me, a lost sheep, and for giving me hope of eternal life. With thanksgiving to God, I resolved, whether in good or bad times, that I will live and trust God, and not murmur. Truly, in God there is peace and renewing life. All thanks and glory be to God.

Mdm Ang Tua Moi

It is by the Lord's grace that I was able to attend the Seniors' Fellowship 12th Anniversary after being “home-bound” for more than 4 months.

It all began with my 80th birthday thanksgiving celebration this year on the 15 of January. This was the Lord's answer to my prayer to have a gospel outreach to all my unbelieving friends and relatives through this celebration.

However, I never expected that 3 days after this occasion, I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, which had spread to my liver and lung! Despite such sudden news, the Lord filled my heart with peace and even joy. I am contented that the Lord has blessed me with many years of good health, allowing me to live to such an old age. I am ready to go home to be with the Lord to enjoy the bliss of heaven forever. Hence, I thought I would just wait on the Lord for my homegoing without further treatment.

However, the oncologist encouraged me to receive chemotherapy after checking that my cancer cells were very responsive to chemotherapy and my body was very fit to receive such treatment, which would help to remove the tumours in my liver and lung. I prayed to the Lord to grant me His grace and strength to undergo the treatment if it is His will, and to heal me if He wants me to serve Him and testify for Him. However, I also prayed for the Lord's will to be done and to grant me an easy homegoing if it pleases Him to take me home.

The 4 months of chemotherapy were very difficult for me, having to cope with many side effects and great discomfort of my body. When I went through the 9th chemotherapy session, it was so unbearable that I was close to giving up. I thank the Lord for sustaining me with His grace through the prayers of pastors, elders and many brethren, as well as encouragement from His precious Word, hymns and spiritual songs. I experience the love of Christ through all these, despite much bodily suffering.

I was scheduled to undergo 18 sessions of chemotherapy. However, after completing 12 sessions, a PET-scan was done to determine the result of the treatment thus far. To my delight, the scan result showed that all the tumours and lumps have amazingly disappeared! I am very thankful that He has granted me healing.

Indeed, life is fragile, transient and full of uncertainty but with Christ as my Saviour, I am assured of the certainty of my salvation and the blessed hope of eternal life. I thank God not only for healing me, but most important of all, for saving me so that I am spared from the damnation and suffering of eternal hell. John 3:16 says: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Psalm 23, my favourite psalm, has always comforted me and kept me through the darkest moments in my life. Truly, it is blessed to have Jesus Christ as my Shepherd and I am not a lost sheep anymore. Now, if anyone has not received Christ as your Saviour, I urge you to do so without further delay, so that you will receive the salvation grace of Jesus Christ like me and be blessed with the hope of eternal life.

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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