17 May, 2015

Report of 10th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service of the Seniors’ Ministry

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy

The Seniors’ Ministry praise God for her 10th anniversary thanksgiving held on 7 May 2015 at Aloha Changi Chalet. It was a blissful and fruitful day where the elderly gathered to commemorate and recount God’s amazing grace and mercy bestowed upon them in this ministry for the past 10 years.

We arrived at the chalet at 9.40am. There was delightful laughter as the elderly folks appreciated the melodious singing of the various kinds of birds, as well as the awesome sea view which the chalet afforded.

Singspiration began at 10.15am, followed by a devotion message entitled “Gracious Living” by Rev Wee Eng Moh. He shared from the book of Ephesian 2:1-5, exhorting us on how we ought to live graciously trusting in our Lord Jesus Christ in all circumstances. We then had three seniors who testified the Lord’s goodness upon their lives and three young sisters who praised God with their voices.

After which, we proceeded to have lunch-fellowship and at the same time to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel to the unsaved friends in our midst. After lunch, the friendly battle of games started and the elderly “competitors” were divided into four groups, each led by a group leader. The four games lasted for 2 long hours, with each team earnestly challenging to win. We were impressed by the ability and the amount of strength the seniors demonstrated as they competed with one another in the games. Truly, it was all of God’s sufficient grace that granted the elderly the strength and the privilege to enjoy such experiences. “And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long” (Psalm 35:28). Elder Mah and I gave away prizes to all four groups, from the first team to the fourth team, as all participants were deserving winners!

After tea break, the seniors prepared for the evening devotion. We sang joyfully several spiritual songs led by Elder Mah. The seniors thanked the Lord also for Pastor Koshy’s preaching from 2 Timothy 4:7-8 entitled “Gracious Leaving”. He reminded us of God’s sufficient grace which will enable us to leave graciously from this world to the eternal glory which our Saviour has prepared for us who believe. We truly thank God for these comforting verses which not only comfort and give us hope, but also reminded us that, as Christians, we are not earthly-bound but heavenly-bound!

God’s grace and mercy were seen being extended upon the Seniors’ Ministry where many brothers and sisters have been a great help to assist the uncles and aunties at the chalet. We thank God for such brothers and sisters who labour in the Lord to serve others. “And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever” (Revelation 5:13).

Thanksgiving Testimonies of Members of the Seniors’ Ministry

I have been joining the Seniors’ Ministry for the past 2 years, listening to God’s Word, praying and sharing together. Through the faithful preaching of God’s Word, God has changed my views in life. I have enjoyed the company of the seniors very much; through this ministry, I realize my need of walking closer to the Lord day by day.

The following are what I have benefited from the Seniors’ Ministry:

  1. Prayer – Prayer means instant access to God. During our gathering, Elder Mah, Preachers Daniel Lim and Jeremiah Sim will pray for us. I learn that prayer is simply communicating with God, listening and talking to Him in faith. Thus prayer is important in my life. “Men ought always to pray, and not to faint” (Luke 18:1).
  2. Thanksgiving – “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Bearing this verse in mind, I must constantly remind myself to praise and thank Him for all things that have happened in my life.
  3. Bible teaching and reading – During the fellowship meeting, I have the privilege to hear our preachers preach from the Bible; their detailed explanations of God’s Word help me to understand better. Recognizing that Bible reading is very important in the life of a Christian, I have also cultivated a habit of reading the Bible daily.
  4. Service – Lastly, I ask myself how should I serve my Lord? The Bible says, “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on things of others” (Philippians 2:4). Thank God that as a retired nurse, I hope to be able to use my nursing skills and knowledge to help my fellow senior sisters and brothers should the need arise.

All glory and praise be to our Lord. Amen.

Maggie Ho

Ithank and praise God for His grace, providence and protection upon our Seniors’ Ministry over these past 10 years.

Our good God enables us to meet every Thursday morning to listen to His Word, and be blessed and edified by the messages. I have learnt many precious truths from God’s Word. God uses the weekly messages to reprove me to repent from my sinful ways, to convict me to be humble in all circumstances, as well as to lean upon His promises knowing that His grace is sufficient for all my needs.

I am touched to learn from our Pastor’s sharing that the knowledge he imparts to us through his messages is the fruit of his 20 over years of studying the Bible and reading Christian books. What we are receiving week after week comes from his years of hard work and hours of diligent reading. I pray that I will never take Pastor’s messages lightly.

The same is true about the messages we hear from our preachers every Thursday. Elder Mah and Preacher Jeremiah Sim spend hours in the meditation of God’s Word and preparation of sermons to preach to us. Thank God also for Pr Daniel Lim, who puts in much effort to interpret the sermons for those who are Mandarin-speaking.

Thank God also for providing the seniors with transport, through the 2 church vans and the cars of Elder Mah and Sister Kim Lei. Truly, thank God for His protection as the respective drivers help to ferry most of us to the houses where the meetings are held.

Amongst our group, we have some disabled friends who come in wheelchairs or with walking sticks. I am encouraged by their perseverance to attend the meetings regularly, as well as the constant joy on their faces despite their difficulties. This also makes me mindful to be more caring towards those who are afflicted, and to pray for the health and God’s protection of the elderly.

Finally, may we treasure God’s Word and not grow cold towards His Word. Through His Word, we receive the Spirit’s counsels. So, let us take heed to the exhortation in Galatians 5:16, “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh”. Amen.

Jesse Ng

When I was first invited to give my testimony, I was apprehensive, but I was also reminded that I could not let such an opportunity pass by. My God has been so good to me and has provided all that I need even before I ask of Him; “how can I not use this chance to praise Him?’’

About twenty-five years ago, the Lord has amazingly turned around my life. Truly, as Matthew 19:26 says, “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” I was deeply troubled by what was going on in my life. My sins were deeply bothering me and always making me feel guilty. I was vexed by sins and totally helpless.

One day, one of my friends who knew I was deeply burdened invited me to her church. It was there that I remembered closing my eyes and pouring my heart out in prayer, telling God that I had sinned: ‘Please forgive me. I want to leave my sinful ways. But I am helpless. Please help me.’ I must have appeared very distraught as some of the sisters in the church came to comfort me and offered their help should I need it.

Amazingly, soon after my heartfelt prayer for God’s forgiveness and mercy, the Lord has changed my circumstances, thus giving me an opportunity to flee from my sinful entanglement. This all happened shortly after I prayed to the almighty God for forgiveness and help. I could not deny the presence of such a God, and could only thank Him for forgiving a sinner like me and allowing me to leave a life of sin.

Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Regardless of what trials come before us, as long as we are ready to ask for forgiveness and seek His help, our Lord will answer our prayers in His time and will.

This turning point was only a beginning. The Lord later gave me more opportunities to read and study His Word, and now I understand what Christ had done for me on the cross. Dear fellow seniors and friends, as long as you are willing to confess, repent and accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, you will be saved into eternal life in heaven. That is not all. After accepting the Lord, you can also appreciate the kind of joy and peace one can have in the Lord. As for fellow believers, I want to encourage you to rejoice, to pray without ceasing and be thankful always for the blessings that our God has given us. May we always praise and thank God. Amen!

Magdeline Lim

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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