Though many of the evangelistic methods we had used in pre-COVID-19 days are not practicable due to the government-mandated restrictions upon us, let us not assume that the Great Commission is rescinded!
Do not the experiences of the last 16 months prove to us that the church is presented with more opportunities to make the Gospel known to our friends and relatives in our communities and afar off? Members, leaders and staff of our church have been hard at work to create and implement new outreaches through modern media facilities, such as live-streaming, broadcasting pre-recorded programmes and interactive platforms like Zoom.
The recent special evangelistic effort – Bible Witness Kids – by the Bible Witness Media Ministry targeting children in Singapore and other places was indeed thankworthy. Since May 2020, we have had many significant online events for the edification of our brethren – Church Bible Conference, Missionary Conference, DVBS, seminars, etc. Those are in addition to weekly events that we hold via online platforms. We also conduct lessons for the students of Gethsemane Bible Institute through the online programmes.
Much more can be achieved in evangelising the unsaved and edifying the believers through online programmes. We must quickly adapt to new methods that are available for communicating the Gospel and Scriptural truths. Our desire and prayer are that through Bible Witness Media Ministry, our church can produce and make available good biblical content for children, youths and adults. Young adults and youths who are knowledgeable and skilled in the modern media must come forward to serve with humility, patience and dedication. We must not hesitate to give our lives and our very best efforts to proclaim the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ!
In every age, the church has flourished through the efforts of men and women who have heeded God’s call to serve Him full-time. Christians who have sacrificially and unselfishly served have been instrumental in the church’s triumphing over severe challenges and advancing the kingdom of God. Christians who have extended compassion and care to the sick and needy have also been instrumental in spreading the Gospel and strengthening many in their faith. Likewise, even in this pandemic period, if church members act with love and compassion towards the needy or sick, the Lord will use them to win and establish many souls in the Gospel.
How our church leaders and staff would minister to God’s people, and how the church would reach out to our communities and the mission stations with the Gospel during this pandemic season, will likely shape the testimony of our church in the coming years. Let us all seek to know God’s will and do His pleasure with a renewed zeal, that the love and truth of Christ may be effectively proclaimed through us.
“Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality” (Romans 12:11-13).
“If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work” (2 Timothy 2:21).
Written by Elder Alan Choy
One of the marks of a biblical church is that its members are committed to proclaiming the Gospel of salvation in obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ’s “Great Commission”. Witnessing Christ and preaching His Gospel within our neighbourhood and even unto the uttermost part of the earth is the church’s duty (cf. Acts 1:8; 16:5). Every church member should be committed to this duty, which Christ has entrusted His church to carry out.
To help every church member be involved in evangelistic efforts, the Gethsemane Evangelism Outreach (GEO) was established. Before the authorities implemented the COVID-19 restrictions, GEO had organised monthly door-to-door evangelism sessions, giving out Gospel tracts. We frequently attempted to spread the Gospel in our neighbourhoods. We also held Gospel meetings every year.
However, the COVID-19 situation has prevented our regular evangelistic efforts for more than 16 months. The Lord moved my heart to think about the GEO ministry. Instead of just sitting down and wait for the pandemic to be over, we should reach out to our unsaved loved ones - relatives, friends, and even acquaintances. In small groups of two (or more when an increase in number for visitation is permitted), we can either host or visit our unsaved contacts to reach them with the Gospel of Christ. Some of our aged relatives need to be reached out with the Gospel urgently, for life on this earth is uncertain.
Yes, door-to-door evangelism may not be possible for some time. But GEO can restart our Gospel efforts through “targeted evangelism” (i.e. target our acquaintances who have not the saving knowledge of Christ yet). With the Holy Spirit’s guidance and strengthening, we can win more souls these days. The following plan is suggested to help us achieve this goal.
A hotline number (+65 8541 4200) is made available for the church members to contact an assigned person from GEO for help to reach out to their contacts. If you provide relevant information about your contacts and an appointment time, GEO will reach out to them with the Gospel. (A contact form will be made available to you by GEO for you to provide relevant information for reaching out to your contacts). We would appreciate your presence when GEO members visit your contacts.
Let us pray and make every effort to bring someone to hear the Gospel. Like our Saviour, Jesus Christ, who came seeking the lost souls, may each one of us, His followers, say, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work” (Jn. 9:4). Brethren, “For we are labourers together with God” (1 Cor. 3:9).
Give me a passion for souls, dear Lord,
A passion to save the lost;
O that Thy love were by all adored,
And welcomed at any cost!
Jesus, I long, I long to be winning
Men who are lost, and constantly sinning;
O may this hour be one of beginning
The story of pardon to tell.