January 19, 2025

More Testimonies of Participants of PBS of GBI

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy

Here are the testimonies of brethren in the ministries, who join Pastoral Biblical Studies held on Mondays as part of Gethsemane Bible Institute (Online). This is a 2-hour study on theology and various relevant topics provided for pastors and preachers from around the world. Last week, we published some of the testimonies received. Today, we print the remaining testimonies of PBS participants below.

Pastor Sujith Samuel

I am thankful for the opportunity to study God’s Word as part of Pastoral Biblical Studies under GBI. Unlike traditional courses, there is much time for discussion and clearing of doubts. This allows me to clarify doubts on doctrines and interpretation of verses in Scripture. In addition to the learning, it’s also an opportunity to meet pastors, missionaries, and preachers serving the Lord in different countries. The experiences and difficulties they share occasionally in classes also encourage me. This helps us also to pray for them meaningfully. I am encouraging all graduates of GBI in Vizag, who are in the ministry, to join this course. I pray that more students will join and be blessed by the teaching provided. Thank God for enabling Pastor Koshy to set apart this time in his busy schedule. May the Lord continue to strengthen him as he prepares to teach in the upcoming semesters in GBI and FEBC. Thank God also for the help of Pr Samson, Dn Norefel, Bro Andronicus, Bro Yeh Wen, and others for their help in administrative and technical matters of live online courses offered in GBI.

Pr Anand Taneti

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Pastor Prabhudas Koshy and Gethsemane Bible Institute for conducting such an enriching Biblical class. It has truly been a privilege to sit under the teaching of someone who has been drinking deeply from the treasures of God’s Word for years. 

Pastor Koshy brought the Bible alive to me through his practical, life-transforming applications. His pastoral wisdom is clearly shown forth in his teaching and in the way he interacts with his students in the class. He is not just concerned about our doctrine, but also about our practice. He sets a good example of what it means to be a true man of God, and indeed, we are very happy to have him as our beloved teacher. 

The class on Covenants was like a new revelation to me. I learnt how the covenants in the Bible, such as the Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic and New Covenants, reflect God’s unchanging faithfulness and His unfolding plan of redemption for His people. It clarified how each covenant reveals a deeper understanding of God’s relationship with His people and His ultimate promise of salvation through Christ. 

The recent studies on Eschatology and last semester’s lessons on Tribulation were equally profound. They illuminated me concerning the trials and judgments that will precede Christ’s return to this earth, as described in Scripture. I was struck by God’s assurance of His sovereignty even in the midst of such intense suffering, and the hope He offers to His faithful believers who endure until the end. 

These classes have not only deepened my understanding of the Scriptures, but also encouraged me to reflect on God’s eternal promises, that I may remain steadfast in faith. Thank you once again for these amazing teachings, which have truly transformed my spiritual journey. May God continue to bless this ministry abundantly.

Pr Bujji Babu

I sincerely thank Gethsemane Bible Institute and Pastor Koshy for hosting such an inspiring Biblical study for those in the ministry. I count it a special joy and absolute honour to learn God’s Word under Pastor Koshy, who has been deeply soaking up the riches of God’s Word for years.

Pastor Koshy has given me pastoral wisdom in the practical application of the Bible. This is evident in his teachings and interactions with students, setting an example of being a true man of God. Whenever I attended the classes, I learned many new things that I did not know, making me happy. The teachings that I received were inspirational to me. He is an excellent teacher of God’s Word. I count it a blessing from God to have the opportunity to study His word through the PBS course of GBI.

One enlightening subject that I have learned from PBS is on Biblical Covenants (Covenant of Works, Covenant of Grace and Redemption), which run through God’s covenants with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Mosaic, David, as well as the New Covenant. These covenants in the Bible reflect God’s faithfulness concerning His redemption plan for and His relationship with His chosen people. It gave me clarity that all the covenants are centred on Christ’s salvation. In the past, I misunderstood that the Old Testament covenants had no connection to the New Covenant. But through PBS, I learnt there is a connection between the New Covenant and all of the Old Testament Covenants, even Christ. All the Old Testament Covenants are fulfilled in the New Covenant, for they look forward to the Messiah of the New Covenant.

Last year, I learned Eschatology, the Biblical doctrine of “Last Things”. The lesson on the Rapture and Tribulation provided profound insight. The trials and judgments of God in the Tribulation emphasise how God exercises His rule over His Creation and uses them as tools of His judgment upon this wicked world. Amidst all those calamities and chaos, God will still redeem His people, even the nation of Israel, and secure them for His eternal kingdom. 

The classes have significantly enhanced my understanding of the Scriptures, and encouraged me to reflect on God’s promises that pertain to the ministry’s blessings.

Pr Abhishek Raju

Studying the courses offered through Pastoral Biblical Studies of GBI has helped me to gain a thorough understanding of the topics taught. This enables men to teach God’s Word more clearly.

First, through this course, I learned how important it is to always strive to live a righteous life like Christ, so that I will be a genuine pastor who leads people in God’s way. The lessons taught in this course pointed out my errors, and corrected me with Scriptural wisdom and truth.

This course also showed me how to teach God’s people biblically, and how to strengthen them with Scriptural passages in their critical situations. I also learned how to lead them on the right path with Scriptural proofs. Through this course, I benefited a lot, and God willing, I will be a faithful pastor in His church. Truly, I must lead a biblical life to be an example to my church members. 

I really thank God for the doctrines and practical lessons I received. They are great gifts from God in my life. I am sure that through studying His Word in GBI’s PBS, God is preparing me for His service.

Pr D Shyam Kishore Babu

Praise God for the opportunity to learn and grow through PBS. I am grateful for the knowledge and wisdom I gained during my theological studies at GBI, Vizag. By His grace, I have recently completed my studies and entered the church ministry. I look forward to serving Him and His people, trusting He will continue to guide me in this journey.

I am especially grateful for the opportunity to study Eschatology, focusing on the Book of Revelation, under the guidance of Pastor Prabhudas Koshy. Through his teachings, I have gained invaluable insights and a deeper understanding of Scripture’s profound eschatological truths. His wisdom and clarity have greatly enriched my spiritual life; hence, I am thankful for all I have learned from him.

In addition to his insightful teaching, Pastor Koshy has set a wonderful example through his own life and ministry. He has not only imparted deep biblical understanding, but also shown me how to apply these truths effectively in practical life and ministry. His guidance has shaped my approach to serving God and His people.

I look forward to discovering even greater truths from the Bible, guided by the Holy Spirit through the teaching received in PBS. Thank God for Pastor Koshy’s tireless dedication to teaching us and helping to shape our lives and ministry.

Pastor Klepa Awale

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for Pastor Koshy’s dedication and passion for teaching Pastoral Biblical Studies. These classes have been a great blessing to me personally and ministerially. The study of Eschatology, in particular, has been life-changing. For years, I longed to study this subject deeply, especially as my “Pre-Tribulation Rapture” view often seemed out of place among the more common Amillennial perspectives prevalent within the Reformed Faith, until I attended the PBS class last year. The teaching, filled with Scriptural and pastoral wisdom, has brought clarity and strengthened my understanding in ways I never imagined. Praise the LORD!

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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