Beloved in Christ,
The Gospel-writers, Matthew and Luke, began their stories of Jesus with His conception and birth in Nazareth and Bethlehem, whereas Mark began his narrative of Christ’s earthly ministry with the story of His baptism by John the Baptiser. The fourth Gospel-writer, John, began to tell the story of Christ with the narration of Him being in eternity before the creation of the world. Then, he went on to give a special perspective of Christ’s birth into this world as the True Light that burst forth into the dark world – “That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world” (John 1:9). Soon he also adds, “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).
The Lord Jesus Christ came to make all who receive Him to be partakers of His glory, grace and truth. How glorious is this privilege that He has come to give us! What a blessing we are bestowed with through the coming of Jesus Christ as our Saviour! May every one of us grow daily unto Him, and be filled with all spiritual blessings to shine forth amid the darkening hours of this world.
Today, let us give thanks to God for the gift of our Saviour. We have much to rejoice today as we witness the receiving of brethren into the church membership (through baptism, reaffirmation of faith and transfer of membership), and the ordination of Eld Low Boon Siang. Let us be grateful for all His glorious work in our midst, and give ourselves to His service and honour.
Wishing all of you, “A Blessed Christmas & A Happy New Year!”
In His service,
Pastor Prabhudas Koshy
Gabriel Curren
I was baptised as a child in New Life Presbyterian Church. My family moved around different churches often. For many years in my youth, God to me seemed to be some far-off concept out of a textbook that didn’t have a personal place in my life. In my youthful years, I plunged into a life of worldly pleasure and sin. I found myself in many adverse circumstances, mostly due to my own sins.
It was in mid-2016 when God pulled my act together and showed me how everything worked out for good, even when I had no part in contributing to it. Because of His mercies towards me, I was not consumed even though I wandered from His righteous ways. I am very thankful to God. I pray that He will help me bring glory to Christ, my Saviour and Lord, in whatever way possible and never let me drown in sin again.
My wife Roanne and I have been edified through the fellowship of the brethren and the ministry of God’s Word in Gethsemane B-P Church. I thank God for the opportunity to become members of the church to worship and serve Him with the rest of the brethren there.
Ho Ru’En Roanne
I grew up in a Christian household — my family attended a Brethren church and I regularly attended Sunday School. While I’ve always known God existed, I never truly understood what it really meant. I attended church because my parents attended church, and I believed in God because my parents said He was real.
As I got older, I started to question my faith, and after a tumultuous period in my life, I realised how prideful I had been and how far I had fallen away from God. It was then that I truly accepted Christ as my Saviour, and I got baptised in my family’s church. My husband later introduced me to the B-P practices, and we decided that the B-P church would be best for our spiritual growth.
I know that my walk with God is far from over — I hope to continue growing closer to God, and be part of the Gethsemane community, serving in the church in a manner that can bring glory to God.
Kelvin Kiew
Since my schooling days, I have always like Science and am amazed by the beauty and wonder of all living creatures and non-living things on the earth and in the universe. For the first 40 years of my life, I did not have the notion nor belief that there is a God who created and governs the whole universe.
But in 1995, I was encouraged by my wife to attend a series of sermons by a Taiwanese old pastor, organised by Glory Presbyterian Church (GPC). I was convinced by the abundant verses in the Bible on Creation by God, and the Gospel of salvation for sinful human beings who are created in the image of God, which makes us unique among all living creatures.
I came to believe that there is a great Creator and Designer of the whole universe, through the love and Gospel-sharing by an evangelism team from GPC. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and was baptised in 1995. I am deeply grateful to my wife for leading me to GPC, and also to the church pastor who later led my mum to accept Christ in 1997 (before she passed away that year due to acute leukaemia). We worshipped in GPC for 5 years, then in Bartley Christian Church for more than 10 years, and subsequently in Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church for about 2 years.
It was in 2013 when our son met a Catholic girl during his overseas studies, that my wife and I started to examine the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). We found that the RCC faith is different from the Christian faith of Protestant churches. Even among the Protestant churches of numerous denominations, there are different extent of deviations and distortions in their gospel teachings, compared to the Scriptures. Among the churches we had worshipped or visited, we find Gethsemane (where we have worshipped in since Aug 2019) to be one of the more faithful churches in Singapore.
We praise the Lord for leading us to become members of Gethsemane B-P Church!
Kelly Kiew-Ng
When I was in my teens, I often wondered what would happen after the earth passed away. My thinking was that life on earth and the earth itself could not continue to exist forever and ever. Not knowing God then, I was perplexed concerning eternity.
By God’s grace, He led a sister from Campus Navigator to share the Gospel with me and I accepted Christ as my Lord and Saviour in 1979. But for many years I did not attend any church. It was only in 1995 when my husband became a Christian, that we both started to attend a bilingual worship service in Glory Presbyterian Church, where we were baptised. After 5 years, we decided to look for a church nearer our residence in Serangoon, so that it would be more convenient for our children to attend worship service, and fellowship on their own when they grew up.
We spent a couple of years looking for a suitable church, and on my husband’s ex-colleague’s recommendation, we finally settled in Bartley Christian Church (BCC), an independent church, where we would worship and serve in the Chinese service for more than 10 years till 2016. From 2012 onwards, I began to be affected spiritually when the cell groups were asked to study and discuss Rick Warren’s 40 days of community book, as well as to partner with a non-Christian group to minister and help out in an old-folks home. I did not take part in the discussion or in the community work at the old-folks home. BCC also invited a worship team from the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City to conduct a worship conference. Concerns were raised about the false teachings of Rick Warren and IHOP, but the church leaders did not deem they were valid.
Being a worship leader in the Chinese service (not knowing then that women are not to exercise leadership over men), I read up to learn about worship matters and realised the gravity of not worshipping God according to His way (cf. Lev 10:1-3). I began to see the man-centredness in BCC’s contemporary worship, preaching and evangelistic outreach programmes.
When I knew I could no longer remain in BCC and also desired our younger son who worshipped in the English service to listen to solid biblical preaching from the pulpit, I shared my concerns with my husband and younger son. Together we decided to leave BCC in June 2016. Thereafter, we worshipped for about 2 years in Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, whose pastor was an American.
When our elder son met a Catholic girl during his overseas studies, my husband and I began in 2013 to look into the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC), in comparison with the Holy Scripture. It dawned upon us that the RCC is promoting false teachings and a false gospel. Seeing that the grandiose “salvation plan” of the RCC could not save anyone, the simple yet glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ became to me even more precious! Over time, we also learned of the Protestant Reformation, John Calvin’s “TULIP”, the 5 “solas”, the “Evangelicals & Catholics Together” venture, the ecumenical movement, and the end-time one-world religion.
I wanted to find a church where I could worship together with my family, and grow in the knowledge of God and His Word. We made one-time visits to Zion B-P Church and Tabernacle B-P Church, before our first visit to Gethsemane B-P Church in Aug 2019 (after listening to many sermons by Pastor Koshy and watching YouTube videos on the history of the Bible-Presbyterian movement and also the history of Gethsemane B-P Church).
I thank God for leading us to Gethsemane, for Pastor Koshy’s faithfulness and boldness in preaching God’s Word to reprove, rebuke and exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine (2 Tim 4:2), unto godly living and good works, as well as the elders’ faithfulness to Scripture and in protecting the flock of Jesus Christ from false teachers and false teachings.
In these perilous times, may the present and future church leaders remain faithful, and may the church members not be found among those mentioned in 2 Tim 4:3-4, but be like those in Acts 17:11. May God’s protection and blessings be upon all in Gethsemane.
Joshua Kiew
I was born in a Christian family and followed my parents to Glory Presbyterian Church for Sunday School, then a few years later to Bartley Christian Church (BCC) to attend worship services and cell groups (CG) meetings.
In 2008, our family travelled with my parents’ CG mates from BCC to Malaysia for a short vacation. It was during this trip that I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour after a brother shared the Gospel with me.
Despite the many years in BCC, I found myself not spiritually fed from the preaching and CG meetings. So I agreed to leave BCC with my parents in 2016, and we went to Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church where I was baptised, and we worshipped there for about 2 years before we came to Gethsemane.
As a Christian in my younger days, I never really understood the purpose of having to wake up early every Sunday morning to go to church. As such, I began to dislike going to church and dreaded every Sunday of the week. But glory be to God – as I grew and matured over the years with the help of my parents, siblings and church friends, I was gradually freed from that wrong thought. Being able to worship God in a church is a privilege and a blessing that every Christian should be thankful for. During my schooling, army and working days, my eyes were opened to the world that we live in – secular and carnal. It is undeniable that some things of this world are attractive enough to pull us away from Christ, and many Christians have fallen to temptations. But I have learnt in Proverbs 16:6 that “By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.” Truly, a man who lives his life in the fear of the Lord and in accordance with His Word will deny worldly lusts.
Praise God for bringing my parents and I to Gethsemane, where we may grow spiritually from the church ministry and the faithful preaching of His Word.
Siew Ruth
I reaffirmed my faith on Christmas 2016, having been baptised as an infant in Calvary Pandan B-P Church. Growing up, I was blessed to have sound, biblical teachings at fellowship groups and worship services. I also thank God for giving me grace to serve, and for granting me fellowship of Christian friends (both young and old) for my rebuke, comfort and edification.
I had foolish ideas growing up. There was a period of time during my tertiary studies that in my pride I did not see why we had to thank God, seeing that I could easily get things done myself. A gentle reminder from God’s Word, through my good friend Dana, sharply drove home the point that each day is given by the sovereign God. “And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?” (Dan 4:35). This verse also served to remind me that it was fruitless standing in my then rebellious / proud ways towards God; it is better to submit to His wise and good ways.
I first visited Gethsemane in February 2021, which has been for me a blessed experience, being surrounded by brethren who understood their convictions well and encouraged me likewise. I enjoyed hearing the Word preached in a clear, loving and directly applicable manner through the sermons and also through the Bible Witness magazines.
May our church remain faithful to God and His Word in these last days, for the mutual edification and blessing of the saints.
Jeffrey Leow
I grew up in a non-Christian home. The first Christian in my family was my elder brother, who was someone I look up to as a role model. He had tutored me for my Primary School Leaving Examination; I remembered on the Monday morning of my first paper, he took time before we left home to pray with me. It was my first real communication with God, and I was glad.
Subsequently he brought me to church. I recall that during Secondary 1, I made a decision to confess before God my sinful nature, and to invite Him to come into my heart and be my personal Saviour. Over the years, I grew slowly but steadily in the knowledge of God, the Bible, and what it means to be Christian. Though church-less briefly (due to my brother’s departure to overseas and parental objection), I’ve learnt to trust God and put my faith in Him in all things I do. A memorable highlight in my Christian life was from 2004 to 2006, when my then-girlfriend Vanessa brought me to Calvary Pandan B-P Church, where I was introduced to the traditional and meaningful liturgy of worship and Bible-based preaching.
God also blessed me richly during those early adult years, through the preaching and life of the late Rev (Dr) Tow Siang Hwa. When I was studying in Melbourne, I regularly attended Ebenezer B-P Church, where the late Rev (Dr) Patrick Tan was pastor. I was convicted to take the outward step to profess my inward faith, and made a personal decision to consecrate my life to the LORD, and was baptised by Pastor Tan in 2007. I pray that I can continue to “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Vanessa Leow
Although I was brought up in a non-Christian family, I thank God for giving me the opportunity to attend Calvary BPC Kindergarten and CMC when I was young. It was through these that I was able to learn more about the Christian faith through many Bible stories.
I was in Primary 6 when I accepted God as my personal Lord and Saviour. Since then, I attended church and junior worship every Sunday with my aunties. I also thank God for my Aunties Beng Yan and Beng Hwee, who constantly encouraged me to go to church on Sunday and sometimes would offer to give me a lift. I thank God that He brought me to Gethsemane B-P Church through my aunties as well. We participated in the yearly church camps for 2 years (Penang in 2018, Batam in 2019), and then started attending every Sunday service from 2019 onwards. We received many blessings from God through the fellowship and faithful preaching of His Word in this church.
I pray I can continue to be a good testimony at home as a wife and a mother, and be a light for God. I also pray that one day my mum and dad will accept the Lord as their personal Saviour. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
Children of Jeffrey and Vanessa (Leow Yichen Sophia and Leow Yide David)
Our children Sophia and David were baptised as infants at Calvary Pandan B-P Church. As parents, we believe it’s our sacred duty to bring them up in the fear and nurture of the Lord. We have much to learn on how to be better parents and have many fine examples to learn from at this church. Having attended Gethsemane B-P church for the past 2 years, this is a place where we feel welcomed and where we can grow further with our fellow believers in Christ.
We pray that we can, by the mercies of God, present our “bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God” (Romans 12:1), and that we will “…seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).
Mehetabel Lim
I am thankful that since I was young, my parents brought me and my sister to attend church activities including worship service, prayer meeting and various fellowship groups on Sundays, Tuesdays and Saturdays respectively. Over the years, through the faithful preaching of God’s Word, I was slowly convicted of my unrighteousness and sinfulness. God’s Word tells us that no one is righteous and we are all sinners. We are headed for hell if not for the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross. I fear going to hell because of my sins. Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God”. And in Romans 6:23, it says, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” I thank God for saving me through the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the past, I would wilfully disobey God and refuse to do His will. But knowing that I cannot live a hypocritical and pretentious life by going to church and disobeying Him at the same time, I am trying by the grace of God to change for the better. It is by God’s grace that I have improved in my attitude and conduct towards God, and also to those around me.
I pray that I will be an obedient Christian who submits to God’s will. I also pray that I would bear a good testimony to others around me, especially unbelievers, so that they too may come to the saving grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. All glory be to God!