13 December, 2015

Nurturing Children and Youths

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy

In Gethsemane, much attention has been given in providing sound Gospel-oriented spiritual activities for children and youths since the early years of the church ministry. We continue to pay a lot of attention to providing biblical nurture to all of them. Under the Gethsemane Children’s Ministry, we regularly hold Junior Worship, Catechism Classes, Children’s Choir on Sundays, and have recently resumed our children’s programme on Saturdays (2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks). On the top of all these activities, the GCM committee also holds seminars for parents and teachers. Besides, we publish articles in the church weekly, Bible Witness for children, and air special programmes on Bible Witness Web Radio. As for teens and youths, many programmes are also being organized on a regular basis by Gethsemane Youth Fellowship. Continue to pray regularly for the effectiveness of all these programmes in guiding our children and youths. Pray for those who minister to them as well. I would also like to exhort the parents to encourage your children to participate in all these ministries without fail. If necessary, come with them and also offer your help.

Daily Vacation Bible School (9-12 Dec

Praise the Lord for the Daily Vacation Bible School (9-12 Dec) organized by the Gethsemane Children’s Ministry. This fourday event was attended by 65 children. About 25 of them were relatives and friends of our church brethren. Pr Kelvin Lim and the GCM committee members (Bro Kenneth Wong, Bro Neo Kian Seng, Sis Choy Luan Kheng, Sis Winnie Yap, Sis Kamalamangai and Sis Melissa Mah) have laboured much in the Lord in the planning, organizing and overseeing of this annual Gospel outreach to the children.

We also thank the Lord for those who laboured to teach the Word of God – Pr Jeremiah Sim, Pr Samson Hutagalung and Sis Carolyn Koshy. It was truly joyous to see several fathers and mothers, ladies and youths of our church helping with fetching children, singing sessions, art and craft, games, logistics, refreshments, etc. We are grateful for The Gethsemane Care Ministry brethren who have made their premises available and ready for the DVBS.

The Gospel work among children should never be neglected. Our church must continue to give all diligence to strengthen efforts to guide our children in the ways of the Lord. Parents must enthusiastically support every effort of the church to educate the children in spiritual matters by bringing children to such programmes. Nothing should be given greater priority in our children’s life than their spiritual nurture. The Lord has commanded, “And ye shall rejoice before the LORD your God, ye, and your sons, and your daughters...” (Deuteronomy 12:12).

Youth Camp (Cebu, 21-25 Dec)

Next week, a combined youth camp comprising our GYF and the youths from our mission churches in the Philippines will be held in Elsalvador Beach Resort, Cebu. A total of 103 people (youths, committee members and preachers) have registered to attend this camp. All our preachers from the Philippines (Rev Reggor, Eld Richard Tiu, Eld Eliezer Ortega, Pr Edsel Locot and Pr Donald dela Cruz) will attend the camp throughout and minister to the youths. Bro Andrew Koh, Pr Dennis Kabingue and I will also be ministering God’s Word. Eld Alan Choy, Diana Chan (GYF Committee members), Carolyn Koshy, Choy Luan Kheng and Lynn Koh will also be in the camp to guide the youths. We are glad that some adult members of our church (Sarah Yong, Sharon dela Cruz, Nancy Lau, Cecile Batrina, Katherine Wu, Daryl Kabingue, Jessica Lim and Kenneth Wong) will also be joining the camp.

The camp theme is “Overcoming Worldliness”. There will be 10 messages on the following topics: (i) Worldliness and Its Dangers, (ii) Counsels against Worldliness, (iii) Overcoming Ungodly Friendships, (iv) Overcoming Pride, (v) Overcoming Sexual Sins, (vi) Overcoming the Love of Money, (vii) Overcoming Homosexuality, (viii) Overcoming Social Media Addiction, (ix) Overcoming Substance Addiction, (x) Rewards of Godliness. Apart from those messages, there will also be a workshop and 2 “Question & Answer” sessions.

I praise God for all who have laboured (and continue to labour) to make this event an enjoyable and edifying experience for our youths. And also, I praise God for those who have prayed and supported financially so that all the youths can rejoice as they gather in the presence of the Lord.

If parents or any church member need to contact us or the youths in emergency situation, please call Rev Reggor Galarpe. If no emergency, please do not call him, as he will be busy with many aspects of the camp, including preaching.

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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