20 September, 2015

Information on Candidates for Election to the Church Session 2015–2017

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy

The election to the church session (2015-2017) will be held next Lord’s Day (27th September), and the names of the candidates have been announced last Lord’s Day. The Board of Elders have prayerfully considered the candidates and vetted them in accordance with the requirements of the Scriptures and our Church’s constitution. Some pertinent information on the candidates’ prior service in our church is included in today’s bulletin.

Please also be reminded that the ACM and Election to the Session will be held next Lord’s Day (27th Sept) at 1.30pm. All communicant members are advised to attend the ACM as it is our constitutional duty.

Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy
Candidate for the office of Pastor and Chairman of the Session

  • Since 1990, Pastor Koshy has been preaching God’s Word in Gethsemane and was ordained as the Pastor of Gethsemane Bible- Presbyterian Church in 1994. Since 1999, he has been leading the Church Session as its Chairman.
  • His main areas of ministry have been the preaching and teaching of God’s Word during Sunday worship services, Tuesday Prayer Meetings, various fellowship meetings, seminars, retreats and camps of Gethsemane B-P Church
  • He regularly attends to the members and worshippers through pastoral counselling, visitation and prayer.
  • He also gives pastoral supervision and leadership to the Bible Witness Media Ministry (as the Editor of the Bible Witness magazine), The Gethsemane Care Ministry, and all the fellowship groups of the church.
  • He is also actively involved in training men for the ministry through FEBC, Gethsemane Bible Institutes in the Philippines and Ethiopia. Recently, being led of the Lord, he has started conducting special lectures for GBI-online. Pastor also travels regularly to visit and to give leadership to our church’s mission stations and missionaries.
  • He is married to Carolyn and they have 3 children, Cornelius, Andronicus and Dorcas, and they serve the Lord as a family in Gethsemane BPC.

Eld Mah Chin Kwang
Candidate for the office of Elder & Clerk-of-Session

  • Since Gethsemane BPC’s inception in 1988, Eld Mah has been serving in the leadership of Gethsemane as an Elder. He served as the chairman of the Interim Committee till 1994, and of the Session (1995-1999).
  • He has laboured in various leadership roles of Gethsemane: Clerk-of-Session, Leader of Gethsemane Encouragers’ Ministry, Finance Committee Member, Building Committee Member, etc.
  • He regularly teaches in Catechism class, Seniors’ Ministry, The Gethsemane Care Ministry. From time to time, he also preaches in fellowship groups. He also serves as worship chairman on Sundays and renders his advice and help in many areas of church administration, such as Finance Committee.
  • He is married to Lean Choo, and they have two children, Melissa and Matthew, and a newly born grandson, Ethan. Melissa serves the Lord in BWMM and Matthew, who is married to Fidelia, serves in GYAF and other areas of the church ministries.

Eld Ng Poh Kok
Candidate for the office of Elder & Treasurer

  • In 2008, Eld Ng and his family joined Gethsemane B-P Church. Prior to that, he served as a deacon in Sharon BPC (1978-2002) and as an elder (2002-2008). He also served in Sharon BPC as a Sunday School teacher and as its Superintendent
  • In 2008, Eld Ng and his family joined Gethsemane B-P Church. Prior to that, he served as a deacon in Sharon BPC (1978-2002) and as an elder (2002-2008). He also served in Sharon BPC as a Sunday School teacher and as its Superintendent
  • In the last two years, he has co-laboured with Pastor in the leadership of the Pastoral Visitation Team, and has also served as the Camp Master of last year’s church camp held in Batam.
  • His wife, Sis Dorothy, and their two daughters, Sarah and Sharon, are also members of Gethsemane BPC. Sarah is married to Samuel Yong, and they both actively serve the Lord in our church. Sharon, who was married to our late missionary Dominino dela Cruz Jr, now serves the Lord in our midst.

Eld Alan Choy Weng Heng
Candidate for the office of Elder & Assistant Treasurer

  • Since 1995, Eld Choy has been a member of Gethsemane BPC. From 1997 to 2003, he served as a deacon.
  • In 2003, he was elected and ordained as an Elder of Gethsemane BPC.
  • He has laboured in various leadership roles: Clerk-of-Session, Treasurer, Leader of Youth Fellowship, Church Choir Member, Finance Committee Member, Building Committee Member, etc.
  • He attended FEBC as a parttime student and graduated with Certificate of Religious Knowledge in May 2013.
  • He regularly teaches in Catechism class and ministers at the Lions Home for the Elders, etc. and occasionally preaches in fellowship groups. He presently leads the GYF committee with Pastor.
  • He serves in the Chinese Service as a worship chairman and also preaches God’s Word from time to time
  • He is married to Luan Kheng; and they have three children, Eunice, Jenice and Amoz. As a family, the Choys serve the Lord actively in various areas of Gethsemane BPC.

Dn Francis Lee Kek Gee
Candidate for the office of Deacon and Assistant Clerk-of-Session

  • Dn Francis confessed the Lord in baptism in 1988 at Life B-P Church. From 2003-2007, together with his family, he worshipped and served the Lord in True Life B-P Church.
  • In 2008, they became members of Gethsemane. He has rendered his services in various ministries of the church - he served as the Camp Master of Gethsemane’s annual church camp, Committee Member of Gethsemane Adults Fellowship and Gethsemane Men’s Fellowship.
  • He had attended FEBC as a part-time student and graduated with Certificate of Religious Knowledge in 2008, and Certificate of Biblical Studies in 2010.
  • He has been serving in the Church Session of Gethsemane since 2011. He has faithfully served in the Session as a Clerk-of-Session and also as Treasurer. He has also been a member of the Finance Committee of the church.
  • His wife Stephanie and their four children, Sarah, Michelle, Samuel and Moses, worship and serve the Lord in Gethsemane BPC.

Dn Daniel Lim Hoe Chiang
Candidate for the office of Deacon & Session Member

  • In 2005, he was appointed as a preacher in the Chinese Service of Gethsemane BPC and has faithfully devoted himself to ministering to the brethren in that ministry. Preacher Daniel Lim, after obtaining his Diploma in Theology from FEBC, served with The Helping Hand (2000-2005) as a missionary in the Philippines, and then upon his return to Singapore, as counsellor and a director of The Helping Hand.
  • Since 2007, he has been serving as a deacon in the Session of Gethsemane BPC.
  • He conducts weekly Bible Study in The Gethsemane Care Ministry (TGCM) and assists Pastor in counselling and in the leadership of TGCM.
  • He serves together with Pr Jeremiah Sim in the Seniors’ Ministry on Thursdays, and has been preaching God’s Word in Changi Prison regularly. He also frequently travels to Malaysia to preach God’s Word in sister churches.
  • He is married to Roscelle and they have two young children, Mehetabel and Jesimiel. As a family, they participate in church fellowship activities and ministries.

Dn Lok Kwok Wah
Candidate for the office of Deacon & Session Member

  • he has been faithfully serving in the Bible Witness Media Ministry as a fulltime worker. He transferred his membership to Gethsemane BPC in 2005 from Life BPC, and became a deacon of Gethsemane in 2007.
  • In the Bible Witness Media Ministry, he supervises the printing and distribution of the Bible Witness magazine. He has also been assisting Pastor in organising BW retreats and other activities of BWMM, like the Holy Land Bible Study Tour.
  • He has been serving as a deacon in the Session of Gethsemane BPC since 2007. He has served in the Session in various roles: Assistant Treasurer, Assistant Clerk-of-Session, etc.
  • He also helps out in the dayto-day matters of the church in the church office, and has been leading the Ushers’ Ministry.
  • Together with him, his wife Jenny and three children, Qian Hui, Qian Yi and Qian Ning, worship and serve in Gethsemane.

Dn Kelvin Lim Cheng Kwang
Candidate for the office of Deacon & Session Member

  • In 2000, he was baptised in Gethsemane BPC, and became an active member of the church.
  • The Lord called him into full-time ministry in 2002, and in 2004 he joined FEBC for theological training. He completed the Bachelor of Theology in 2008 and was appointed as Assistant to the Pastor in Gethsemane Children’s Ministry.
  • He was elected as a deacon in 2009.
  • He leads the Gethsemane Children’s Ministry. He also avails himself to preach and to teach God’s Word during worship service, at prayer meeting and different fellowship meetings, and in TGCM.
  • He travels to Malaysia to preach God’s Word in Kemaman BPC, Calvary Jaya B-P Fellowship, Kuching Mission outreach.
  • His wife Jasmine and their three children, Joash, Jorim and Joses, worship and serve the Lord in Gethsemane BPC.

Bro Low Boon Siang
Candidate for the office of Deacon & Session Member

  • Bro Boon Siang was saved and baptised in Gethsemane in the year 2001.
  • Over the past 14 years, as he grew in faith and godliness, the Lord has used him in many fellowships and ministries of our church. He has served faithfully and zealously in Youth Fellowship (2002-2008); Ushers’ Ministry (2005-2009); Young Adults’ Fellowship Committee (2008-2012); Audiovisual Ministry (2009 till now); Men’s Fellowship Committee (2013 to present). He also served in Committees of Church Camp (2009 and 2012), as well as Church Sports Day (2010, 2011, 2013 and 2015).
  • As a teacher of God’s Word to children, Bro Boon Siang served in Junior Worship (2006 to 2013) and in GCM (2008 to 2013).
  • He also served the Lord in the Fundamental Christian Ministry of NTU and NIE (2006-2008), and the B-P Combined Youth Conference Committee (2007-2008).
  • His wife Sis Hui Lin and their two young sons, Christopher and Caleb, worship in Gethsemane BPC and participate in many fellowship groups and ministries.
Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Our Worship Address
SingPost Centre
Level 5 Auditorium
10 Eunos Road 8, Singapore 408600
(next to Paya Lebar MRT station)
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33 Ubi Crescent
Singapore 408584
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