24 November, 2024

Greetings from East Africa

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy

Beloved brethren,

Warm greetings to you in the glorious name of our Saviour from Nairobi, Kenya! My wife Carolyn and I arrived here on Tuesday afternoon, after completing eight blessed days of ministry in Ethiopia.

We are grateful to God for the continued prayers and encouragement from our elders and staff back in Singapore, who have faithfully kept in touch via WhatsApp concerning the ministry’s progress. Their dedication to the Lord’s work and intercessions for us have been a great source of comfort and strength.

We praise God for His enabling grace upon our preachers, who have ministered His Word faithfully in all the church’s meetings. May the Lord continue to bless and edify you through their diligent service.

8 Days of Ministry in Ethiopia

Our days in Ethiopia were both challenging and rewarding. The high altitude took a daily toll on me, causing persistent sickness. Yet, God’s presence and gracious strengthening were evident throughout. He faithfully provided timely relief from physical distress, enabling me to teach God’s Word to the GBI students for four hours each day.

Carolyn’s supportive presence and care were a source of great comfort. Additionally, the local servants of the Lord—Rev. Ephrem, Pr Engida, Pr Imane, Pr Bayera and Pr Bedada—were incredibly attentive to my struggles and extended their assistance with kindness and thoughtfulness. The families of Rev. Ephrem and Pr Imane, who reside on the church and GBI campus, also contributed immensely to our well-being. They prepared nourishing and suitable meals daily, ensuring that we were cared for physically, as I focused on ministering spiritually. Through it all, God’s grace and the love of His people sustained us.

Teaching the 26 full-time students of GBI was a joyful experience, as all of them were eager to learn God’s Word. Not all students could communicate in English, so Rev. Ephrem, Pr Engida and Pr Imane helped them interpret my lectures. They also helped in the Q & A sessions, which the students greatly appreciated.

Likewise, Pr Bayera and Pr Bedada helped Carolyn to interpret her teaching of God’s Word to the children who came daily to the Gethsemane Children’s Ministry. About 110 children attend classes held from 8.30am to 12.30pm. Ten teachers, led by the preachers and Sis. Gete, care for and teach these children. Through this ministry to the children, preachers find opportunities to visit families in the neighbourhood with the Gospel, and invite them to the church.

Last Sunday morning, the Addis Ababa congregation came to Alem Gena for joint worship. We praise God for the many familiar and some new faces we could fellowship with. Rev. Ephrem led the worship, the young people’s choir sang Amharic worship hymns, I preached the Word from Ephesians 2:18 on “Our Access to God through Christ”, and the sisters provided a sumptuous lunch for all the worshippers.

Dear brethren, it has been almost 20 years since God opened the door to Ethiopia before us through Rev. Ephrem. This work has been strengthened by fellow labourers joining him to spread the Gospel and teach the Word. The works in Addis Ababa and Alem Gena must be further strengthened with our prayers and support. Upon my return, I desire to share more of the ministry needs and opportunities with you. Your prayers, generous support, and visitation to this mission station have not been in vain, for it continues to bear many fruits that will last for eternity. May God bless and strengthen this Gospel frontier opened to us!

4 Days of Ministry in Kenya

This East African mission trip was not part of this year’s ministry plan. It was unplanned until late October, when the Lord began to burden my heart through a call from Rev. Mark Kim, the principal of Bible College of East Africa (BCEA). Rev. Kim invited me to join him and his co-labourers for the College’s 59th Graduation Service, scheduled for 23rd November 2024. When he called me, Rev. Kim was facing many challenges in a new Gospel work in Rwanda, another East African nation. He has been labouring in Rwanda for the past few years, establishing a mission station. Through his efforts, the Gospel was proclaimed to thousands, and by God’s grace, over 800 people began gathering regularly for worship. However, recent government restrictions have forced the church to cease operations. This has been a deeply challenging and disheartening time for Rev. and Mrs. Kim, and their eldest daughter, Sis. Ha Young, who have laboured tirelessly for the Gospel in that mission station.

Feeling compelled to visit and encourage them during this period of great trial, I sought the counsel and approval of our church elders. They unanimously supported the plan and encouraged me to undertake this journey from 11th to 26th November 2024, accompanied by my wife. They recognised the importance of her presence and support during this mission.

Rev. Kim returned to Nairobi from Rwanda on Monday to supervise and attend BCEA’s graduation. At the same time, his wife and daughter stayed back in Rwanda to support the ongoing work, such as the daily children’s ministry and other administrative matters. During his absence in Nairobi, the work of BCEA has been managed by Rev. Eben Yoon, whose family work with him. He is ably supported by a team of full-time and part-time lecturers, including Pr James Tan and his wife, Sis. Charmaine (both graduates of FEBC and members of Tabernacle BPC, Singapore).

Presently, BCEA (Nairobi) has 76 students undergoing theological training. I have ministered God’s Word to them on three occasions in the last three days. I’m also supposed to preach God’s Word during the graduation service on “Spirit-Separated Men for the Ministry”, taken from Acts 16:1-3.

The Lord has sustained this tremendous work over the past 59 years. The early 25 years of BCEA were under the leadership of American Bible-Presbyterian missionaries sent by the Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions (IBPFM). Since 1990, this has been under the faithful and fruitful leadership of Rev. Mark Kim. The BCEA has set up a ministry in Arusha, Tanzania, where Rev. Park Seung Kyu and family (FEBC graduates) serve with two other BCEA graduates. We are glad to see Rev. Park’s family in Nairobi as they have also arrived to join the graduation service.

Rev. Ephrem and Sis. Gete, our Ethiopian missionary family, had graduated from BCEA (Nairobi) before coming to Singapore for studies in FEBC. Rev. Ephrem is also joining us in Nairobi and on our scheduled trip to Rwanda. After spending Sunday and Monday with the brethren in Rwanda, we plan to return to Singapore, God willing, on Tuesday.

We praise the Lord for your prayers and support in sending us forward on this journey after a godly sort. May God help us always to do well, according to His Word, for the Gospel mission works everywhere.

Joyfully in His service,
Your Pastor

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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