31 January, 2016

Gethsemane Youth Fellowship

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy

The objective of the Gethsemane Youth Fellowship (GYF) is to reach out to the young people of our church with biblical truths that will help them keep out worldliness in their lives (cf. 1 John 2:15a). Worldliness is like leaven that “leaveneth the whole lump” (1 Corinthians 5:6b). Worldliness pervades every aspect of life and society. Young people are especially vulnerable to its evil influences.

According to the Scriptures, youths can be strengthened to be overcomers of the world and its wicked prince, the devil, through the Word of God. 1 John 2:14b says, “I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.” Therefore, we want to encourage youths of our church to join GYF activities to be instructed and equipped with the truths of God’s Word in order to be overcomers of the world. Our prayer is that they would become godly youths, walking and built up in the Lord (cf. Colossians 2:6-7) and being “fervent in spirit; serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11b).

The leadership of the GYF (the GYF Committee) is made up of matured men and women of the church so that the youths may have good supervision and guidance. They provide exemplary leadership for the youths, and also encourage them to serve in several responsible areas of GYF. The present GYF Committee is made up of Pastor, Elder Alan Choy, Brother Andrew Koh and Sister Diana Chan. Moreover, Brother Andrew Koh ministers among the youths as a full-time staff of the church. Anyone who needs his assistance, please call him at +65 9862 3403.

The following programmes are provided by GYF for the youths:

Gethsemane Youth Bible Hour: This is usually held twice a month. It has a systematic approach to teaching God’s Word. Every year, there are two series of messages being taught in the regular meetings. For this year, the youths will be studying “Soteriology and Ecclesiology” every 1st Saturday of the month, taught by Brother Andrew Koh; and the Johannine Epistles (i.e. 1, 2 and 3 John) every 3rd Saturday of the month, taught by Pastor Koshy. Besides regular bi-monthly meetings, the youths also have special events like evangelism, Gospel rallies, retreats and annual youth camps.

Gethsemane Campus Ministries: Presently, there are ministries for students in three local tertiary institutions, namely Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), and Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Brother Andrew Koh leads in the NAFA and SUTD Campus Bible Study, while Elder Alan Choy oversees the NTU group. The twofold purpose of this campus ministry is to preach the Gospel to students studying at these 3 campuses and also to minister God’s Word to their Christian students. Regular Bible studies are conducted on those campuses during their school terms. During these meetings, students also take time to pray for one another.

In addition, some of our youths are also involved in Fundamental Christian Ministry (FCM), which is a ministry for tertiary students by Calvary Pandan B-P Church. Preacher Kelvin Lim regularly teaches in the FCM Bible studies held for students from Singapore Polytechnic and Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

Gethsemane Youth Choir: For the praise of our God and edification of God’s people, a choir is organised for the youths to regularly practise and present psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Indeed, as Psalm 148:12- 13 say, “Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children: let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.”

GYF Evangelism: We praise God for the fervour of our youths to spread the Gospel among their peers, acquaintances and others. Every year, GYF organises special events to preach the Gospel to their non-Christians friends. Moreover, every 5th Saturday, GYF organises a session for door-to- door evangelism, distribution of Gospel tracts, etc.

Gethsemane Youth Ministries on Internet and Social Media: GYF maintains a website (http:// gethsemanebpc.com/gybh) for information on GYF programmes and also to provide edifying media content. Several youths labour together with Brother Andrew Koh to maintain this web page. Please visit and benefit from this website. In conjunction with the Bible Witness Web Radio, GYF produces and broadcasts a “Youth Bible Hour” segment every Tuesday (8.00am to 9.00am, 9.30pm to 10.30pm) and Friday (2.00pm to 3.00pm), as well as every Monday for overseas listeners (2.15am to 3.15am). The weekly broadcast can also be downloaded at one’s convenience from the “On Demand” link on BWWR website (http:// biblewitness.com/webradio/ondemand/ youth-bible-hour.html).

There is also a WhatsApp “chat group” to regularly update the youths with details on various activities, prayer items, and other necessary and useful information.

GYF would like to invite all youths (13-23 years old) to join us in our meetings for a blessed time of fellowship and learning of God’s Word. It is also our earnest desire that you pray for the GYF Committee, that we will continue to be faithful in serving the Lord.

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Our Worship Address
SingPost Centre
Level 5 Auditorium
10 Eunos Road 8, Singapore 408600
(next to Paya Lebar MRT station)
Our mailing address
Gethsemane Media Centre
33 Ubi Crescent
Singapore 408584
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