14 July, 2024

Gethsemane Youth Choir

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy

Since 2012, the Gethsemane Youth Choir has provided a platform for young people to learn disciplines of godly fellowship, service, music, and co-labouring. Through the hymns and songs, they also learn biblical doctrines and principles. Through the presentation of various hymns on Sundays and special days, our young people actively worshipped God and proclaimed His truths through their music.

The songs that the youth choir practise and sing are carefully chosen, based on their sound biblical themes and teachings. The contents of their songs are edifying to them and their listeners. Ephesians 5:19-20 admonishes, “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ”. Singing Scriptural hymns and spiritual songs can deepen young people’s understanding and appreciation of their faith in the Lord and His truths.

During their practices, the biblical truths expressed in the songs are explained and emphasised, so that their singing and lives may be anthems of His praise. The biblically sound songs that the choir learn and present before the congregation, teach the youths biblical stories and truths that are retold in their songs, helping them to grow in faith. 

The youth choir also fosters a sense of Christian communion and cohesiveness among the youths as they work together to praise the Lord. They become focused on encouraging one another, and work with one another patiently and prayerfully. Indeed, there are many challenges and frustrations that they have to handle with the help of the Holy Spirit, so that they may not be discouraged and defeated in their service in the choir. To work together, they must overcome juvenility, personal misdemeanours, immaturity, etc. Singing harmoniously in the youth choir requires learning to serve together. 

GYC has been used by the Lord for the spreading of the Gospel truths beyond our congregation and country. They have travelled to other countries to sing about the salvation and glories of our Lord Jesus Christ. They also regularly sing for the BW Web Radio and BWTV to proclaim Christ and His glorious truths around the world. May our youths continue to rejoice and praise the Lord with their melodious songs. May the voices of our youths be heard praising Him always in all places!

We should earnestly pray for this ministry of our youths, that the Lord would preserve everyone from Satan’s devices and empower them by His Spirit to render their service to God in an acceptable and honourable manner. We must also pray that they will develop godliness and responsible conduct in all areas of their lives so that they will be sanctified vessels for His glory. 

May our prayer be like Psalm 148:12-13, “Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children: let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.”

GYC Leadership

Under the guidance of the GYF Committee (Pastor, Eld. Choy, Pr Cornelius, Dns Diana Chan), an appointed mature youth with musical ability will prepare the GYC to present songs during various church functions. By God’s grace, Pr Cornelius Koshy led the choir from 2012 to 2019 and Bro. Amoz Choy from 2020 till today. We thank God for their dedicated service in the choir for the Lord’s glory. 

From this month onwards, Bro. Titus Ho will lead the choir in its preparations and presentations. Bro. Titus will be guided by Pr Cornelius, who has been appointed to minister to our church’s youths. Let us pray for Bro Titus that God will help him to serve faithfully in the days ahead. 

I would like to encourage all the youths to lovingly support and cooperate with Bro. Titus, and serve the Lord as a dedicated team of singers. To be honourable singers for the Lord, let your lives be disciplined and holy. May the name of our Lord Jesus Christ be continually praised by your joyful singing.

Gethsemane BPC, Pangasinan, 10th Anniversary Report

Dear Pastor Koshy,

The Lord has sustained Gethsemane B-P Church, Pangasinan, for the last 10 years. We celebrated our 10th Anniversary last Lord’s Day because of God’s faithfulness. Almost 100 people came to witness the goodness of God. Praise the Lord for bringing Rev. Reggor Galarpe as the Lord’s messenger. The Lord also brought Pr Kelvin Lim to see the Lord’s work here in Pangasinan. Many brethren from many places came to rejoice with us. Our brethren from San Fernando, La Union came together with Bro. Jordan (Gethsemane Filipino Fellowship) and Bro. Julius del Rosario (Negros). Thank God for bringing them safely as they travelled back and forth.

Rev. Reggor preached on the topic, “The Church and Its Deacons”, from Acts 6:1–7. It is a timely message because the occasion was also the installation of the newly elected deacons. The Lord raised Brothers Jumar Balicao and Kyt Bince (together with their families) to serve in this office. Praise the Lord for giving us more hands to plan for the activities of the church. When the elected deacons came to the front, with their families standing behind them, Rev. Reggor asked them several questions to confirm their commitment to God. After the affirmation, Rev. Reggor gave them the charge and installed them as new deacons of Gethsemane B-P Church, Pangasinan.

There was infant baptism after the deacons’ installation. I explained to the congregation why we baptize infants. It is because children are part of the covenant and I cited Genesis 17:7 and Acts 2:38-39 as basis of the practice. I then called the parents to come forward, and asked them a series of questions to affirm their faith and commitment to introduce Christ to their child. Following that, I baptized Daniel Koa Bince (son of Dn Kyt and Sis Charlene), with Dn Jumar assisting me. Praise the Lord for the faith of the parents!

Indeed, “The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad” (Psalm 126:3). As I look back at the last 10 years, “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23). Without the grace of God, the church would not survive. We had many problems but the Lord has sustained the church. Satan tried to divide and infiltrate the church, but the Lord kept us all together.

I want to express also my thanksgiving to Gethsemane B-P Church, Singapore and her leaders. The church is very willing to be the channel of God’s blessings. Thank God for the generosity and commitment to support the work here. We can focus to grow and learn because of your charitable kindness. Your unwavering support, both financially and through prayers, is much appreciated.

Lovingly in Christ,
Rev. Donald dela Cruz

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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SingPost Centre
Level 5 Auditorium
10 Eunos Road 8, Singapore 408600
(next to Paya Lebar MRT station)
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33 Ubi Crescent
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