With God’s help, we have purchased a four-storey building (11,200 sq. ft.) at 33 Ubi Crescent for the price of S$4.3 million (including GST), which is owned by Gethsemane Bible Witness Limited (GBWL) – a company limited by guarantee – that our church has set up mainly for the management of the building, as well as for the support of the church’s commercial and industrial activities. On 4th March 2019, Elder Mah Chin Kwang (secretary of GBWL) collected the Title Deed. Last week, Elder Alan Choy (treasurer of GBWL) informed us that the GST (of S$287,000) paid for the building has been returned to GBWL by IRAS. We thank God for all those answered prayers.
Our elders (who form both the church’s BOE and GBWL’s BOD) have decided that the premises at 33 Ubi Crescent will be known as Gethsemane Media Centre, as it will house the operational activities of Bible Witness Media Ministry and The Gethsemane Care Ministry. Its first floor (ground level) will have the reception area, together with the office and workspace of TGCM. The second floor will have a large meeting room. The third level is dedicated to house the studios (both audio and video) for the recording of Christian programmes for BWMM, Bible Witness Web Radio (and a Web TV, God willing), GBI, etc. The fourth level will be the ‘nerve centre’ of Gethsemane Media Centre, where the planning, preparations all will take place.
The BOD have worked together with a team of Gethsemaneans to determine the scope of the renovation works. Elder Francis Lee has coordinated and led the team efficiently. By last week, all the Letters of Acceptance were awarded to contractors selected by BOD. We have much to praise the Lord for the arduous labour of all our brethren who have helped to set forward the building project.
The renovation of the building, and the installation of studio and equipment will begin this week. In fact, some of the studio equipment that have been ordered have arrived. God willing, the completion of all the works are expected to come to pass by the end of July 2019, with the operations at Gethsemane Media Centre to begin in August 2019.
According to the consolidated project costs, we have at present a shortfall of S$540,000/- This fund is needed urgently to pay for the renovation of Gethsemane Media Centre, setting up of the studio, purchase of audio/video equipment, computers, servers, software, furniture, appliances, etc.
We also need to pray for the BOD and the Building Project Committee (comprising Chong Shu Mun, Emilie Tanlapco, Anthony Evangelista, Lijoy K George, Melissa Mah, Matthew Peh), who will supervise the renovations and installations. Dn Lok Kwok Wah will serve as the Operations Manager.
The amount of S$540,000/- needed in a short period of three months has placed upon us a very great burden. How will we achieve this in a short time?
Jesus assured His followers, "…for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him" (Matthew 6:8). A little later, He again said, "…your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things" (Matthew 6:32). These and more assurances of the Bible are a great comfort to all Gethsemaneans – both leaders, members and friends – who are deeply concerned about our urgent need.
As Christians, we cannot worry, for Jesus said, "(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things" (Matthew 6:32). Worry belongs to the unbelieving. It is inconsistent with our faith in God. Worrying about the basic necessities of life, such as daily food, drink, and clothing, characterises the Gentiles, and not true believers. Those who have no God to supply their physical or their spiritual needs, will certainly worry about their lack. They are ignorant of God’s supply and have no claim on it. The trusting ones can "be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God" (Philippians 4:6).
We can be confident of the provision for our need, as Paul said, "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19). The expression "my God" conveys Paul’s confidence in God as his unfailing Provider in all of his life’s needs. God was his most benevolent benefactor. The sentiment conveyed here by Paul is very much like that of David who said, "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want." Because God had been wholly in charge of all of his life’s needs, he was also assured that God will attend to the needs of his fellow Christians.
Let us be assured of God’s ability and willingness to supply all our need, as well as His commitment to do so as our covenant God. God undertakes to meet all our needs. Yes, our needs (both temporal and spiritual) are many, but the extent of His supply is "according to his riches in glory". God gives unto His children, not as a poor man who struggles to provide in the face of scarcity, nor as a rich man who gives grudgingly. He supplies according to His boundless riches in glory! He will look after us till we get to the glorious celestial home which He has prepared for us.
It is God’s inexhaustible supply that is promised to us and which will be channelled to us by Christ Jesus. Christ is the Guarantee of the divine supply – "He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" (Romans 8:32).