14 April, 2024

Fishers of Men

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy

Matthew 4:19-20: “And he said unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.” 

These were the words of Jesus to His first disciples, Peter and Andrew. They were brothers. Previously, according to John 1:35-42, Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist, who pointed him to Jesus. Andrew then brought his brother, Simon Peter, to Jesus and followed Him. They also abode with Him. We do not know how long they were with Jesus. It appears that they returned to their fishing profession. So, they had some knowledge of Jesus because they abode with Him and had conversations with Him.

Peter and Andrew returned to their town and continued engaging in their trade. They were casting a net to catch fish in the Sea of Galilee when Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee. Seeing Peter and Andrew, Jesus called them and said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

It was not a call to follow a human teacher but the Son of God, so that He may teach, train and use them for the purpose of His Gospel ministry. He was not calling them to make them better fishermen of the Sea of Galilee. His plan for them was far greater – to be “fishers of men”. They were no more to be fishermen of the sea, but to win souls of sinful men by casting the Gospel-net over all the earth, wherever the Lord would lead them. Jesus individually selected them, and urged them to become part of His ministry of winning people to Himself. 

When going forth as “fishers of men”, they would never be alone. The Lord would be ahead of them because He said, “Follow me”. Jesus would always lead them. He would be their Guide and Teacher. He would be their Example to follow. He would be their Friend and Companion. If they would obey His command to follow Him, His promise to them was that He would “make (them) fishers of men”. 

Andrew and Peter immediately responded to Christ’s call obediently. “And they straightway left their nets and followed him” (v. 20). As disciples, Peter and Andrew’s commitment to follow Christ was an act of faith. We must neither vacillate nor delay when we commit to Christ because we understand His call. God’s kingdom still needs dedicated workers. 

Dear friends, the Lord still calls Christians to work with Him to win people for Christ. If the Lord speaks in your heart through the Bible passages you read or messages you listen to, do not hesitate to follow Him and do His work. He will certainly use you for His glory, and for the salvation and edification of many.

Testimony of Kynsai Kupar, a GBI India Student

I was born and raised in a Christian family. At the age of 12, I went to study in Sohra. Two months after arriving there, my father passed away. I studied in Sohra until the 10th grade. However, during my 9th grade year, I began experimenting with alcohol. It was more about having fun with friends than anything else.

After completing my studies in Sohra, I went to Shillong for higher secondary education. It was during these years that I fell deeper into substance abuse and all sorts of intoxication.

My understanding of the Christian faith was shallow. I would pray and read the Bible occasionally, but only because I was raised as a Christian. I wasn’t a regular churchgoer. By 2017, I was acting more like an atheist. I skipped classes and used my tuition fees to buy alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, and other substances. I lied to my mother, telling her I needed money for school projects when I used it for drugs. I lived according to my own desires, rebelling against any restrictions. Because I lived with relatives, I started coming home late at night and spending my nights drinking with friends in bars and at parties. I even went to music festivals with DJs, just to drink and party.

One Sunday, August 5th, 2018, a friend invited me to church with him. I declined, but promised to go the following Sunday. On August 12th, 2018, I went with him to a youth fellowship service. It was on that day that I heard the Gospel preached. The Holy Spirit powerfully convicted me, revealing my sinfulness, condemned state, and need for Christ.

I turned from my sins and repented, putting my faith in Christ and His finished work on the cross. My life was transformed. The Lord enabled me to leave my old life. I gradually distanced myself from my old friends.

Before, I loved dancing to DJ music. But after God saved me on August 12th, 2018, all that desire and those habits died. On August 15th, there were DJs performing at Ward’s Lake, and I actually went there with the intention of enjoying the music and dancing. However, it all seemed bland. I no longer had any interest in those things.

Now, I read the Bible regularly and love attending church. I have a strong desire to grow in my faith. When I look back on my past, I see God’s incredible mercy. If not for His grace, I would still be lost in my sin and condemned for eternity. God, in His love, sought me out and saved me, a sinner. Now, I have hope in God’s Son, Jesus Christ.

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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