4 December, 2016

Fallacies Parents Must Avoid – Part I

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy

I]n my 23 years of parenting, very often I have to pray earnestly for God’s help to evaluate my own thoughts about parenting to see whether I am getting it right. Though we have an infallible guide, the Scriptures, many a time we do wrongly apply the Scriptural guidelines. Christian parents must examine themselves to see whether they have been tempted to adhere to ideas or methods which are not necessarily biblical.

No Guaranteed Method

Today, I would like to address one of the dangerous concepts that some parents have adopted. Parents, who impose on their children a certain idea or conduct or method or path (not stipulated in the Scriptures) as though it is the only way for them to go forward, are prone to make serious mistakes. There is no singular method or path that guarantees your children’s salvation or good behaviour or success in life.

While we instruct and guide our children with biblical wisdom, we must not think that there is a single supermethod which the Bible teaches us to implement. The Bible does not promote or promise a perfect methodology or a sin-free environment that will guarantee success to our children.

While the Bible teaches us that we must daily and diligently instruct our children according to its truths, it does not advocate that we follow a certain recipe for success. The Bible nowhere provides certain ingredients which, if implemented in a specific environment, would produce perfect kids. Disciplining and guiding our children is not like baking a cake according to a given recipe.

Children are individual beings who will have to exercise their personal choices as they grow up. It is not made known to parents what the specific path forward for their children is. While parents teach, correct and insist on the Scriptural truths, they must not hinder the children from exercising their individual choices and abilities in following the Lord. By God’s gracious guidance, children can have a closer and much fruitful walk with the Lord than the parents themselves. So, parents’ duty is not to limit the children with some method or in a particular environment, but to instruct and let the children make godly decisions in whatever realms of life that God’s providence would lead them.

Please be forewarned that there is no fixed methodology for ensuring our children’s salvation or success of our parenting. Let all Christian parents be prayerful, that the Lord will make known to each child His salvation and His will concerning him/her. Let us seek to be faithful parents, rather than method-oriented parents.

A Brief Report on Mission Trip to Kuching

(A detailed report to follow in next week’s bulletin)
Prabhudas Koshy

The mission trip to Kuching (Sarawak, Malaysia) was a very needed and important mission activity that we have undertaken this year. We have been co-labouring with Calvary Jaya BPC, KL to send preachers to Kuching since 2014. This year, the Lord has placed within us a burden to conduct a mission trip, and hence 27 brethren, led by Eld Mah Chin Kwang, had visited Calvary Kuching B-P Church.

Our misson trip’s chief purpose was to strengthen the brethren in Calvary Kuching to serve the Lord fervently and faithfully. The brethren in Kuching welcomed us with much graciousness and warm hospitality. Presently, Calvary Kuching is a Chinese congregation of about 10 people. Bro Jeremy Teo’s family (and occasionally with a few others) meet for an English service by making use of either Gethsemane’s live webcast or recorded video-messages. We are praying and hoping that Pr Samson Hutagulang can visit them on a regular basis to minister to them.

The mission team was also given an opportunity to minister the Gospel in a village, Kampong Taee, which is about one hour’s drive from Kuching. The very large premises here are under the ministry of the Anglican church. However, it is obvious that the people lack knowledge of the Scriptures.

The greatest need of the hour in all mission works around the world is God’s provision of faithful and fervent preachers of the Word with a God-given burden for souls. As Jesus said, “The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:37-38). We need to earnestly pray that God would send more men for the work of soul harvest.

Baptism on the Hospital Bed

Last Wednesday (30th November), I was informed by Ricky and Stella Tan (regular worshippers in Gethsemane) about Harry Chew Hai Huat (a cousin of Stella), who has received Christ while his health condition has been severely deteriorating over the past few months. Having believed on Christ, Harry (70 years of age) also indicated that he was ready to be baptised. On Thursday at 5 pm, Pastor and Elder Mah visited him at Changi General Hospital together with Ricky and Stella. After checking with Harry about his faith and readiness to be baptised, he was baptised. Harry’s daughter, Jacinda, his three sisters and a niece were also present at his bedside during the baptism.

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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