18 December, 2016

Daily Vacation Bible School 2016

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy

Gethsemane Children’s Ministry (GCM) praise the Lord for seeing us through this year’s Daily Vacation Bible School (DVBS). This year’s theme – “Shine for Jesus” – was conceived from a phrase in Philippians 2:15, “among whom ye shine as lights in the world”.

The participants were taught four lessons: “Jesus is the Light of the World”; “In Jesus, We Become Light”; “Walk in Jesus’ Light”; and “Shine for Jesus”. The objectives of the lessons were twofold. Firstly, to preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the non-believing children. Secondly, to exhort children who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour to bear witness for Him, by living a holy life according to the Bible and to separate themselves from the darkness (i.e. sins) of the world.

The Lord has been good to GCM. Over the two day event, He brought a total of 54 and 59 children respectively (excluding toddlers), not forgetting the many youths and adults who helped out. Though most of our activities were conducted indoors, we did go to the grass patch outside for some outdoor activities. God gave us good weather on both days. The clouds shielded us from the sun’s rays when we were outside, and it only drizzled briefly towards the end of our programme. Thus, we were not only able to enjoy the organised games, but also board the buses safely at departure. Everyone reached home safely, by the mercies of God.

As such, we are very thankful to the Lord for blessing us with another year of DVBS! As we press on to serve the Lord among the children, may He be pleased to add more souls to His kingdom – even to raise a thousand souls to sing His praises!

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped in one way or another, whether it be in the designing of the registration form, the booking of the venue, the planning of various activities, the execution of them all, etc. Last but not least, we thank God for the teachers who have laboured to communicate God’s truths unto the children. May the Lord’s name be praised! Hallelujah!

DVBS Testimonies 2016

Lim Xin Hui (P5)

When I was 6 years old, I started attending the Daily Vacation Bible School (DVBS) organised by Gethsemane B-P Church. It was introduced to me by my sister’s tuition teacher, Auntie Annie. Before I attended DVBS, I did not know much about Christ and was not a believer. However, I now believe in Jesus Christ and have faith in Him. I thank God for helping me believe in Christ through the teachers in DVBS and through Auntie Annie. Till now, I have attended DVBS for 6 years and have made good friends. I like attending the DVBS because my questions about the Bible can be answered there and I can learn more about God with my other Christian friends. My favourite part of the programme are always the Bible lessons as they help me reflect on my wrongdoings, learn the truths in the Holy Bible, and understand it better. I have learnt from this year’s DVBS that Jesus is the Light and we can walk in light when we believe in Jesus. As children of God, we can shine for Jesus by spreading God’s Word and praising God.

Lim Ee-Ruey (P2)

The quiz that Aunty Annie led was very interesting. It was not a straightforward answering of questions. Instead, children had to perform a few tasks as well in order to score points for their team. That was fun! I also enjoyed the craft work.

Evi Horia Surjawinata
[mother of Ariel (P5), Noelle (P2), and Scarlette (K2)

I received an invitation for my daughters to attend DVBS by dear Sis Annie. (Annie is our good friend from the homeschooling community.) We were thrilled to attend the DVBS organised by Gethsemane B-P Church. My three girls, Ariel, Noelle and Scarlett, were greatly blessed by the ministry and for that I am very thankful. They enjoyed the Bible lessons, craft sessions and game times. When asked what they learned from DVBS, some of their responses were very insightful: “Now I understand why Jesus said He is the Light – it is because He gives us life,” said one. “We have to walk as children of light, doing good instead of walking in the dark and sin,” stated another. Yet another realised that “Understanding the Bible partially is not enough because it can still mislead us from the truth”. Thank you, Gethsemane Children’s Ministry, for planting God’s truth in my children’s hearts.

Aaron Nathaniel Lau (P3)

really like the art and craft activity, especially the “lighthouse” activity. It was very fun to do and it explains what a lighthouse is – used for guiding ships away from dangers hidden in the dark. So, we also learn to stay away from people who are trying to take advantage of us and influence us to do bad things.

Samuel Christanday (P3)

From the DVBS, I learned that we need to be as light in this world. And we can do that by learning from Jesus, who is the source of light. We can shine for Jesus by showing kindness.

Stevan Christanday (P1)

DVBS was fun and I especially enjoyed the art and craft, and games sessions.

Grace Ho (P5)

I am very thankful to the LORD for giving me good health to attend this year’s DVBS. Truly, it has been a great blessing to be able to attend 8 years of DVBS since the age of 4. Thank God for the opportunity to be able to reach out to my nonbelieving friends through this channel. I learnt that as children of light, we should not give in to temptations, but instead follow God’s Word and walk circumspectly as children of light. I would also like to thank God for the GCM committee who helped to plan all the activities, as well as for the teachers and the rest who helped out in the lessons, games, singspiration, and many more. May God bless their efforts. All glory be unto God for His grace!

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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