Beloved brethren,
Tomorrow, God willing, about 245 of us will meet together for this year’s Church Camp at Holiday Inn Resort, Batam, Indonesia. Much work has been done by Pr Jeremiah Sim, the Camp Master, and the Camp Committee members and helpers. We thank God for all of their labours in organising this year’s camp. Let us earnestly pray for the Lord’s blessings upon the camp.
All camp participants are advised to fully cooperate and co-labour with your group ICs so that our journeys, meetings, fellowship and all other activities will be a pleasant, safe and peaceful experience for all. Let us also be courteous, patient, helpful and fervent. "Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord" (Romans 12:10-11).
Our camp theme, "Our Inexhaustible God", will be studied in the morning sessions. Please pray for me as I expound the theme from the Scriptures. We are also grateful to the Lord for the availability of Rev Paul Cheng (Pastor of Bethel B-P Church, Melbourne, Australia) and Pr Edsel Locot (Preacher of Gethsemane B-P Mission Church, Bohol, the Philippines) to co-labour with me in the teaching of God’s Word in this year’s camp. Rev Cheng will expound Romans 12 through the night messages, while Pr Edsel will minister God’s Word during the morning devotions.
The children will have their special programme and will be supervised by Pr Kelvin Lim. The Lord has provided three experienced and efficient sisters – Sis. Ho Xiao Wei, Sis. Ng Boon Choo, Sis. Karen Lee – to minister God’s Word to our children. They are all members of Truth B-P Church and serve the Lord full-time (Sis. Xiao Wei in Calvary Pandan BPC; Sis. Boon Choo and Sis. Karen in Truth BPC).
I would like to exhort the parents to prepare their children early and bring them to their classrooms 10 minutes before the start of each programme, so that neither the children nor the parents will be late for their respective programmes.
Let us maintain a prayerful, holy and loving atmosphere throughout the camp. All campers are expected to attend all meetings with a spirit of reverence and holy curiosity to learn God’s Word. Please come for meetings with proper attire suited for worship. In all the activities, be modestly attired.
If any campers have to go out of the resort during the free time in the afternoon, please follow the advice that will be given to you, and make sure that you will be back early enough to prepare and attend the programme.
Finally, in tune with our theme, I exhort all the campers that you come to pursue the knowledge of our great God. May this camp be a gateway into God – to learn from His Word great and wonderful things concerning our Eternal God. Would you not come with a prepared heart to seek, know and rejoice in Him? If all of us would seek and receive the blessings of meditating on the greatness of our God, surely we will come out of our spiritual doldrums.
The infinite Godhead invites us to come and taste His greatness and goodness. We are assured in 1 Corinthians 2:12, "Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God." He also promises, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him" (1 Corinthians 2:9). The Lord wants us to not only know Him but also enjoy Him in ways that we have not yet experienced. So let us come together, praying, "O Lord, through this camp, may Thy saints delight in Thy goodness and greatness, and be wonderfully satisfied in Thee."