Regarding Christ, in relation to his life, John the Baptist said, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). John’s ultimate principle of life and ministry is recorded in this verse. To him, growth in Christ meant giving up everything about himself for Christ’s glory.
John acknowledged that the advancement of Christ’s glory is essential because God planned for Christ, the Messiah, to supersede the ministry of John. John was only a herald of Christ. His duty was to prepare the people’s hearts for the coming of Christ as the Redeemer. The man of the hour was not John, but Christ. That is why John said, “He must increase”. John was committed to that divine plan. He had no intention to hinder the progress of Christ’s ministry. His only desire was that Christ would be magnified.
Growing in Christ is only possible when one allows Christ to have pre-eminence in his life. There must be increasing influence and direction from Christ in one’s life, so that he may grow in Christ. Such an overwhelming supremacy of Christ means increasingly submitting to His glory and will.
John also knew that if he did not diminish for Christ’s sake, it would be impossible for him to be instrumental in Christ’s advancement. His contraction was the natural outcome of his commitment to Christ’s increase. His heart was burning with the passion for the glory of Christ, and he gladly “melted away” from the scene like a candle, as Christ came upon the scene. He achieved it by introducing Christ to the world. John’s duty and desires were perfectly fulfilled when people moved away from him and gathered around Christ. He felt no regret that his popularity was diminishing. His character was here put to the proof. He gladly accepted his contraction because his most cherished desire – advancing Christ’s glory – was being steadily accomplished. Christ’s popularity, so far from exciting John to jealousy, filled him with holy peace and happiness.
Therefore, if we sincerely desire to grow in Christ, let us be mindful that we must be willing to place all that pertain to our self-gain under the pre-eminence of Christ. All who desire to glorify the Lord must be unselfish in their Christian life. If any of us is inflamed with personal ambition, he is a fake disciple / preacher / Christian. “But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord” (2 Cor. 10:17). Let us pray that our lives will be hidden in His glory, and that all may see His glory through us.
Jerry Moh
My journey of faith began when I was in upper primary school as my uncle signed me up for a children’s camp at his church for two consecutive years. That was when I learned about Christianity and how to pray. The following year, I started attending Sunday service with my father.
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). God has been my strength, especially when I left home for the first time at the age of 17 for my A-Level studies. In a city where I knew no one, I thank God for the Christian friends I met who supported and encouraged me to join their church services and fellowship meetings. I started reading the Bible consistently every day, though I’m ashamed to say it was not in depth. Thank God who gives me simple faith. It was in 2016 when I was convicted to receive baptism at a Methodist church in my hometown. Over the years, I thank God for His preservation, sustaining my faith and enabling me to worship Him when I was again away from home for further studies. God is truly my “fortress”, guiding me through different challenges in life.
By God’s providence, I first encountered Gethsemane BPC when I was invited to join a pastoral visitation during my visit to Singapore. As I was looking for a church after moving to Singapore in July 2022, I was encouraged to join Gethsemane BPC. I thank God for the faithful preaching by God’s servants in this church. During the fellowship meetings, I appreciate that there is always time allocated to Bible preaching, as I can be taught God’s Word by those with strong biblical knowledge.
I’m thankful for the teaching of God’s Word by Pastor Koshy and the preachers of GBPC, and for all the labourers of this church. Besides the ministry of God’s Word through the worship services, I thank God also for various ministry programmes like Bible Witness TV, GBI, etc.
I am a sinner saved by grace, not by the works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, as stated in Ephesians 2. I praise God for His many blessings upon me. Glory to God the most High! I pray that I’ll continue to cling to Christ and grow spiritually in this church.
Lim Cuiwen
I came from a non-Christian background, and had the chance to hear about the Gospel when I was invited by my senior to a charismatic church during one Christmas. However, I could not fathom what Jesus had done for us, and how we were all dead in sin and therefore needed Someone to save us. This eventually led me to leave the church.
In the earlier months of 2023, I experienced a lot of trials in my life which left me in turmoil. My friend then invited me to True life BP Church to hear the preaching of God’s Word. At first, it was hard for me to comprehend the Bible verses, but I thank God for the charity of the people who patiently explained the doctrine to me. Shortly after, I accepted Christ into my heart and truly believed that His blood has redeemed us from eternal death. Subsequently, I attended Gethsemane BP Church, through a friend in Gethsemane. I was profoundly moved by the sermon, which was based on solid Biblical teaching, and by the church’s unwavering dedication to upholding God’s Word and glorifying God. I realise we are all sinners who have fallen short of the glory of God. It is only by grace through faith in Christ, that we are saved.
I would like to share a verse that reminds me how God got me through those trying times – “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33). May I constantly be reminded of the need to walk right with God first, and to have my requests in line with God’s will, not mine.
(More testimonies next week)