Bible Witness TV, a web-TV ministry, is the latest effort of the Bible Witness Media Ministry of Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore. God willing, this humble yet bold project will be available soon to all on the internet.
The idea of such a ministry was in our prayers and planning for almost two decades. The first step, which the Lord has enabled us to take, was the Bible Witness Literature Ministry in the year 2000, with the publishing of Bible Witness magazine. As we slowly built up our publications, we also endeavoured to make biblical resources available through various digital media (such as CDs and DVDs) and the internet (websites); hence we renamed the ministry as Bible Witness Media Ministry. In 2007, the Lord enabled us to begin Bible Witness Web Radio (BWWR), a 24/7 internet broadcast, which continues to this day. Realising the tremendous effectiveness of the internet, we exerted ourselves, with God’s grace empowering us, to build up our facilities. With the acquisition of Gethsemane Media Centre in 2019, a much-needed Audio-Video studio became a reality, and the work for BWTV began. Though many of our plans and efforts were severely disrupted by the COVID pandemic since March 2020, the Lord has enabled our church preachers, media staff, church choirs, and many of our congregants and friends to labour tirelessly to develop the content for BWTV. All glory be to God.
The launching of BWTV is, firstly, for the spreading of the Gospel and sound biblical resources to all corners of the world. Indeed, our gracious Lord has opened another door before us to reach the world with His Word. May this effort help us to fulfil the honourable duty that the Lord has entrusted us in Romans 10:14-15 – “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”
Secondly, BWTV provides an avenue for many from the congregation of GBPC and like-minded churches to offer their services for the proclamation of Christ and His blessed truths. Through this ministry, our people render their God-given skills and abilities for sinners’ salvation and saints’ edification. Indeed, “The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it” (Psalm 68:11)!
Thirdly, BWTV offers a godly alternative at a time when secular media drowns the minds of our children and youths with ungodly and worldly content. BWTV programmes include special content for kids (songs, Bible lessons, Bible activities, etc.), as well as for youths and adults (doctrinal and practical lessons through discussions, Q&A segments, sermon snippets, devotions, prayer, singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, etc.).
God willing, come 1st September 2022, BWTV will start on a small scale. There will be two channels – one for the kids, and another for youths and adults. These channels will provide new content every week. We hope to make most (if not all) of the content available on demand for repeated and delayed viewing. We hope in the Lord to increase the variety of categories as well as content in the coming months and years.
How can you access BWTV and benefit from its content? You can view BWTV either by accessing or on our church app, which can be downloaded from your app store (just search for “Gethsemane BPC”). You can watch BWTV daily as long as you can access internet via WiFi or mobile data services through your computers or internet TV, tablets, or mobile phones.
Dear Pastor Koshy, elders, deacons, preachers and brethren of Gethsemane B-P Church,
All glory and honour be unto the Lord our God and our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ!
Truly, the Lord has been faithful and good to the two mission churches in Bogo and San Antonio. His grace and mercy have sustained the two churches for 14 years and 13 years respectively. All praise and glory be unto our ever gracious and merciful Saviour for His goodness and faithfulness upon the two mission churches. Since the founding of these two churches by our late brother, Pr Dominino, the Lord has done wondrous works and the truth of the Gospel has been preached. God’s works and words are indeed great blessings to His church and His people.
The Lord has hitherto sustained the church, that the brethren would be preserved. Although it is sad that there were some who had backslidden (whom we had not seen for quite some time already), nonetheless there are those whom the Lord preserves, and who have been joyfully worshipping with us and co-labouring in the work of the Lord. We have our own weaknesses, but God’s grace has strengthened us, that we may be overcomers. Praise be unto the Lord for His preachers and for His Word giving us instruction and reproof, that His people be preserved in the faith (cf. Psalm 124). The Lord be praised for the addition of new members to the two churches. Through the preaching of the Gospel and by His grace, these brethren have been brought to salvation, and have desired to be baptised and be members of the church. All glory be unto the Lord for His working in the hearts of these new brethren (1 affirmation of faith, 1 infant baptism, and 3 adult baptism). We thank God that one of the new members has manifested great desire to study God’s Word, and right now he is taking all the subjects offered by GBI Cebu.
Nevertheless, we had not been spared from difficulties and trials, especially in this time of crisis, but through them all, the Lord has sustained us. Through God’s Word, His people have been guided to continually trust and hope in Him. And the Lord has not failed, for He has provided jobs and work for some of the brethren. Likewise, we thank the Lord for having used you, our brethren from Gethsemane Church in Singapore, to show His love, care and provision for the brethren here in Bogo and San Antonio. Praise be unto the Lord for your untiring love, care and support for our brethren in both churches here.
Thank you very much, Pastor Koshy, leaders and brethren of Gethsemane Church, for remembering us and for your support to us. Your prayers and generosity are very much appreciated, for which we constantly give thanks and praises unto the Lord.
“Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD. Seek the LORD, and his strength: seek his face evermore. Remember his marvellous works that he hath done; his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth” (Psalm 105:3-5).
Sincerely in Christ,
Elder Eliezer Ortega