July 6, 2014

Biblical Roles of Christian Men and Women

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy

Biblical Roles of Christian Men and Women: that is the topic of a seminar organised by Gethsemane Men’s Fellowship that will be held on 12th of July.

It is a topic that we cannot afford to ignore or neglect any more. Children and youths of this perverse generation are facing a very confused time about gender matters. The social media network, Facebook, now provides the users approximately 50 new custom options for “gender”. Our society is facing what some call “a gender identity disorder”.

The gender issues of our time, in the biblical analysis, are the culmination of society’s disregard for God’s design for manhood and womanhood. Even in churches and Christian families, for many years, there existed a dangerous disregard for the biblical teachings of the roles of man and woman, undermining their God-ordained duties in the home, church, and society. The present explosion of the so-called ‘gender confusion’ or ‘sexual identity crisis’, affecting even fundamental and reformed churches, has been in the making for a long time. The churches’ and Christians’ unguarded fascination with the worldly ideologies concerning the roles of man and woman for the past many years, has now resulted in the sudden gender and sexual perversions that we see today.

However, we believe in the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that is able to save even the most confused and hardened sinner. The New Testament records for us how the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ has delivered many from such moral and spiritual decadence which existed in the ancient Roman and Corinthian societies (cf. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

If we follow the doctrines of the Bible concerning every aspect of faith and practice, we can be a powerful and profitable community of Christians in these perilous days of moral decadence to bring many unto the saving, transforming power of the Gospel. We praise God that the Lord has blessed our church to declare the truth of God’s Word concerning all matters of life, that many may be delivered out of their wicked ways of life and serve God today in holiness. As Paul said in Romans 6:17-18, “But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.”

I trust that you will not disregard the upcoming seminar on this very important topic of “Biblical Roles of Christian Men and Women”. Please pray for me as I prepare to speak on the topic. Let us prepare to participate with much prayer. Don’t forget to invite your Christian friends to the seminar.

Testimony of Calling

Ho Kee How

As a young Christian in the 1980’s, I used to look forward to attending missions rallies and conventions organised by the Overseas Missionary Fellowship (which had since gone ecumenical) and other missions-minded churches. My heart was stirred whenever I heard reports of the gospel work in the mission fields, and the oft-repeated refrain that “the harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few” (Lk 10:2). But I did not hear God’s call then.

In the course of time, I became preoccupied with pursuing a career as a schoolteacher and did not expect God to call me into full-time ministry. I have always believed that God, in the normal course of affairs, would call His servants while they are young and still at their prime. In the meantime, God providentially led me to Life B-P Church in 1990, where my faltering faith was strengthened by Rev Tow’s faithful and scholarly preaching. (My faith was “faltering” because I had just come over from my previous baptist church which was noncommittal against the inroads made by the Charismatic Movement and liberal theology.) Some years later, my wife and I met Pastor Koshy through Newton NBS, where we were further nourished by his indefatigable and impassioned teaching of God’s Word. Over time, we were made aware of the needs of the small church at Gethsemane, and felt led to contribute there with our humble gifts and service. Hence our move in 1999, with Rev Tow’s blessings. We were asked to serve in the Gethsemane Adults’ Fellowship committee, and were happy serving the Lord in a small way, giving wholehearted support to our God-honouring church leaders and full-time workers.

Over the years, however, there was an increasing sense of emptiness as I did not find much fulfilment in my work. I felt as if I was engrossed in things that do not matter to God’s kingdom. This heaviness and unease came to a head when I was confronted by God’s Word in Isa 55:2: “Wherefore do ye spend … your labour for that which satisfieth not?” There came a point when I told my wife that I find no more joy in preparing classroom lessons; I’d rather prepare Bible lessons! With Pastor’s encouragement, I enrolled in FEBC in 2010 for theological studies.

I thank God for the undreamt-of privilege to have studied theology in a sound Bible College, learning at the feet of eminent students of its late founding principal, Rev Tow. The strong conviction of these “faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also” (2 Tim 2:2) that the Bible is none other than God’s Word to mankind, has not only strengthened my belief that the Bible is inerrant in whatever subject matter it touches on – it has also instilled in me a confidence that if one searches Scripture deep enough, one could refute almost any unsound man-made notion, however scientific or academically acclaimed it may be.

And now there is this growing awareness that many long-held biblical truths are being systematically distorted and misrepresented by a proliferation of modern English versions, as well as liberal and ecumenical material flooding the Christian market through the media out there. God’s tender and vulnerable flock, in order to be protected and nurtured, must have constant access to sound biblical reading (and even study) material. In this age of “information explosion”, having good Christian literature is simply not an option but an indispensable channel for biblical teachings to be disseminated. And waiting to be tapped is a ready pool of rich material – in the form of Pastor Koshy’s “collections” of sermons, book studies, FEBC night lectures and even retreat messages over the years. Thus, the need for our church’s literature ministry has never been greater.

Now, “the gospel must first be published among all nations” (Mk 13:10) before the end comes. One ubiquitous and effective way is through the printed page, for “the pen is mightier than the sword” indeed. Truly, while I never expected God to call me at such a “late” age, I realise that God, in His mysterious outworkings, has somehow set me apart to “labour” in the (written) word, which entails essentially the ministry of writing and publications. Yet, who can be sufficient for all these? Ever mindful that “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it” (Ps 127:1a), my prayer is that the Lord may “establish … the work of our hands upon us” (Ps 90:17), for His glory and for the edification of His saints.

Daily Vacation Bible School Testimonies

I was very excited about my first day at DVBS. During the three days there, I have learnt a lot about “speaking a word for Jesus”. I learnt that I must talk to other people about the Gospel of God. I thank God for Uncle Kenneth who taught me to be a witness for Christ. I also thank God for Auntie Luan Kheng who taught me art and craft.

Asher Chong

This is the first time I have attended our church’s DVBS. Even though I have only been there for two days, I have learnt a lot about Jesus. I know that I must speak a word for Jesus from now onwards. I will constantly share this verse: John 3:16 - “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” I thank God for Uncle Andrew who taught us Bible lessons, for Auntie Sarah who helped us in the art and craft session, for the refreshment team who served us refreshments, and others who helped out in one way or another. I would love to come for DVBS again!

Adah Chong

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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