13 November, 2016

Biblical End-Time Prophecy about Jerusalem & the US President-Elect Donald Trump

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy

The result of the recent US presidential election has left millions of people in the US and around the world rather disappointed and upset. Singapore, too, has a large number of people who felt very disappointed that the Democratic candidate did not win the election.

Without going into the nature, conduct, policies, etc. of the candidates, I would like to point all my brethren in Gethsemane to the biblical truth that all governments are so ordained by the Lord (whether we like / agree with them or not). Daniel 2:21 says, “And he (God) changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings …” We are also commanded to show due respect to their office and authority by being respectful, submissive, and godly (Romans 13:1-7). Now we should pray that the leadership of the US government will do that which benefit the people of the US and the world, and which will help to prevent immorality and injustice around the world.

It is also equally important to know that whoever would rule the nations of the world, would ultimately have attitudes and policies that will bring about God’s prophetic plan, which the Bible declares. Proverbs 21:1 reminds us, “The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.”

When I read news reports about Donald Trump, the newly elected US president, I saw that there is a clear evidence that we are getting closer to the Lord’s return. Let me tell you why.

Biblical End-Time Prophecy and Jerusalem

It has to do with the biblical prophecy about the Jews and their beloved city, Jerusalem. The Scriptures foretold that the Jewish temple and city would be destroyed and that the Jews would be dispersed and persecuted for a long time because of their rejection of God’s Word and the Messiah. Our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, predicted the complete destruction of the Jerusalem temple that existed in His time (Matthew 24:1-2). That prophecy was fulfilled in AD 70, when the Roman general Titus destroyed and burned it. Since AD 70, Jerusalem remained in the control of many other people until 1948. During that long intervening period, the Jews were dispersed all over the world, just as the Scriptures had foretold.

Their reinstated nationhood finally materialised, in fulfilment of many biblical prophecies. The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel was proclaimed on 14 May 1948. However, till today, the Jews could not take full control of Jerusalem and build their temple. So today, there is no temple in Jerusalem!

However, the Bible clearly indicates that there will be a Jewish temple and its control will fall into the hands of Antichrist (a world-ruler) during the 7-year Great Tribulation of the Jews (cf. 2 Thessolonians 2:3-4; Daniel 9:26-27; Matthew 24:15). Let us take note that in order for a temple to be built in Jerusalem, the Jews must have full control over Jerusalem. It must become their centre of power. Since 1948, the Jews’ attempts to make Jerusalem their capital city has not been accomplished. Their present capital city is Tel-Aviv.

Donald Trump to Support Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital!

Now, this is where Donald Trump comes into the picture. Trump has openly declared, on several occasions, that one of the chief goals of his presidency is that Jerusalem will be the capital city of Israel.

Singapore’s Channel News Asia reported on 26 September 2016, “Trump says he’ll recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s ‘undivided’ capital”. In that news report, it was mentioned that:

“Trump acknowledged that Jerusalem has been the eternal capital of the Jewish people for over 3000 years, and that the United States, under a Trump administration, will finally accept the long-standing congressional mandate to recognise Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the state of Israel,” his campaign said in a statement.”

Jerusalem Post reported that:

“Donald Trump said he would move the US Embassy to Jerusalem…. Congress (US) passed a law in 1995 mandating the move of the embassy to Jerusalem, but allowed the president a waiver. Each president since then has routinely exercised the waiver, citing the national security interests of the United States…. Calling US President Barack Obama “the worst thing that has ever happened to Israel” for negotiating the recent Iran nuclear deal, Trump pledged loyalty to Israel. “I will be very good to Israel,” he said. “People know that. I have so many friends from Israel. I have won so many awards from Israel. I was even the grand marshal for the Israeli Day Parade a few years ago. So I will back Israel.” (http://www.jpost.com/US-Elections/Trump-pledges-to-move-USembassy-from-Tel-Aviv-to-Jerusalem-44209).

Well, much of what Trump has said is yet to be done! Whether he will succeed in helping Israel to make Jerusalem their capital city or not, the Bible’s prediction of Jerusalem and a temple will be accomplished in God’s timing, sooner or later. Meanwhile, we serve our soon coming King with all diligence, purity and faithfulness.

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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