13 September, 2015

10th Year - Wednesday Lunch Hour Bible Study in the Bible Witness Bookroom

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy
(Testimonies continued from last week)

Ooi Aik Kean

Bible Witness Lunch Hour Bible study has been a place of “refuge” for me during the most difficult 8 months in my working life. For the whole of that period, week after week, I eagerly looked forward to the Bible Study to find some solace for my stressed soul. On one occasion when Dn Paul Cheng was the teacher, I arrived in terrible emotional shape in the midst of trying circumstances in office. Praise the Lord through him, God’s Word ministered to me, restored and uplifted me, and then sent me back more ready to face the trials at the office.

E. L.

"My soul melteth for heaviness: strengthen thou me according unto thy word” (Psalm 119:28).

I am one of the “pioneers” who attended the Wednesday Bible Study when it first started in 2005, just after I had joined a company nearby. It was a very challenging working environment, so I always looked forward to lunchtime every Wednesday to find a reprieve and listen to God’s Word which reminded me of God’s providence and power to deliver. Despite the small group (sometimes 2-3 persons only), Rev Koshy faithfully taught the Word. At times, we would manage to finish only 1 verse during 1 session. In fact, we took 1 full year to complete 1 and 2 Peter. This is only because there was so much to learn from each word and each verse of the Bible. Thank God for Rev Koshy’s faithful teaching of God’s Word. I was always encouraged after the half hour of Bible study and wished we had more time.

Nevertheless, there were so few of us that I quietly wondered if Rev Koshy would stop the Bible Study one day He already had such a busy schedule, having to rush to the bookroom after FEBC classes. But he never seemed discouraged. I thank God that the sessions are still running after 10 long years, and now to a very packed room.

In September 2011, when my company relocated to somewhere further away, I was very disappointed as I would not be able to attend anymore. Thank God that since live webcast was arranged, I could still attend “remotely”. Now with the Downtown MRT station opened, it is only 2 stops from my office, which makes physical attendance once again possible whenever I have the time to travel to the bookroom!

There had been very challenging and confusing times in my life in the past decade, but God is good. How could I have survived if not for His sustenance and encouragement through His Word, very often through the Bible lessons conducted faithfully every Wednesday, which uplifted my weary soul and heart. Thank God for this wonderful ministry and may the Lord continue to sustain it, Rev Koshy and the many brethren (Bro John and others) who work quietly behind the scene.

Lim Beng Hall

Iam very blessed by this ministry in the bookroom, where Pastor Koshy can conduct a short but very spiritually enriching Bible Study for us during lunchtime every Wednesday. The Scriptures, as explained by Pastor, bring much comfort to me and I am personally impacted by the teachings of His Word, especially as I face struggles in the events and activities of the world during the week. I also thoroughly enjoy the warm fellowship among the participants. Praise God for Pastor Koshy for shepherding us and Brother John for being in charge.

Margaretha Gole

After my transfer to a new employer, I felt very lost. Because of my contract, I go to church only once a month, but that is not enough for me to hear the preaching of God’s Word. In 2013, I was given a weekly half-day off on weekdays. I thank God for the Bible Study @Bible Witness Bookroom, where I can take this opportunity to study God’s Word. Thank God also for the online live broadcast, where I can still join the Bible Study when I can’t come.

Even though my English is not strong, I could understand enough of the messages and be blessed. The exhortations given by Pastor have been instructive to me to change my ways in my walk with the Lord. I learn that as Christians, we will face persecution. Persecution can be physical, emotional or spiritual. It comes not only from unbelievers, it also comes from those who call themselves ‘Christians’ but choose to live and enjoy the pleasures of the world. But I draw comfort from God’s Word that gives me courage to stand strong when persecution comes my way. This Bible Study has helped me grow in faith. May God help me to be faithful to Him and be a witness for Christ wherever He places me.

I pray that the LORD will continue to bless this ministry, and that many people will come to study and know the truth of God’s Word, and that we may be able to share the good news of salvation with lost souls. All praise and glory be to His name!

Mary Quek

I must express my grateful thanks to God, for providing us not only with physical food, but also spiritual food for souls. In this regard, I praise God for His kindness for this past decade in giving us a conducive place to have Wednesday Lunch Hour Bible Study, and for His servant, Rev Koshy, to faithfully teach us. Here, I was able to unlearn wrong ideas, learn and relearn God’s truths as they were taught in the Bible.

Through Rev Koshy’s teaching of Revelation, my love for this world began to grow dim. My eyes were opened and my heart was gripped with fear, when I realised that the Antichrist would reign and many would be deceived, and how God would pour out His wrath and judgments upon this present evil world. Sad to say, many will go through that “great tribulation”. But the believers have this blessed and glorious hope of our Lord Jesus Christ’s return for all His people, upon which He will rule the earth for 1,000 years of peace. Finally, “God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away” (Rev 21:3-4).

All glory be to God for the Bible Witness Wednesday Lunch Hour Bible Study.

June Lui

I started listening to the Lunch Hour Bible Study since last year. Thank God for the weekly lessons during lunch break on Wednesdays. Truly, listening to His Word has been a time for “sanity” in the middle of a stressful working week. I pray that God will continue to bless this ministry so that more of us will be blessed in our daily walk with Him. The theme for me this year being “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Eph 5:15-16), I desire to be a more fruitful Christian through listening to His Word and practising it. Amen.

Ang Sok Leng

Iwant to thank God for the brothers who set up the webcast. It makes it convenient for me to tune in when I travel and have no conflicting appointments. This Bible Study is a time that I look forward to. Tuning in to God’s Word, which Pastor Koshy carefully explains without “sugarcoating”, is a great joy. Pastor Koshy certainly has a gift of teaching. I have learnt much, including the series on Revelation. Thank God for his faithfulness as well.

I also share what I’ve learned with my family. God is constantly calling us to be like Christ and not to conform to the world. Though we may go through many trials, we are not alone but are protected and strengthened by our Abba Father. May we be guided only for the purpose that God be glorified.

Stephanie Lee

For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness” (Psalm 107:9). This is what my husband and I experienced when we attended the Wednesday Lunch Hour Bible Study, where we enjoyed the expository study of the Scriptures by Pastor Koshy. Thank God for Pastor’s faithful labouring in teaching God’s Word. Besides providing detailed Bible Study notes, he also expounded on the Bible verses so clearly and systematically.

What a joy to gather in midweek during lunch hour to study God’s Word and have a time of fellowship with God’s people. Instead of having lunch to satisfy our physical hunger with our colleagues, coming together to study God’s Word satisfy our spiritual hunger and longing for fellowship with God’s people, which is more edifying and enriching to our souls. This is so refreshing to our wearied souls when we have commenced with another week of secular work and domestic chores after the Lord’s Day. It was a meeting with the Lord and His people so soon again after the Lord’s Day. Truly, oftentimes the distresses and cares of my life were overcome by the comfort of God’s Word through the Bible Study. I left the Bible Study, saying to myself: “It was good that I have met with the Lord through the study of His Word. With my soul refreshed, I’m strengthened to sojourn the rest of the week.”

Thank God for sustaining and blessing this ministry through 10 fruitful years. Many brethren have been greatly blessed, including my husband and me. We have also seen a steady increase in attendance. Moreover, for those who are unable to attend due to work commitments, there is also the online broadcast of the Bible Study. As the Lord continues to use this ministry, may God’s children who attend this Bible Study be drawn close to Him as they continue to seek Him. May His Name be highly exalted and magnified through this ministry.

Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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