December 10, 2024

Revelation 2:4

Written by:
Rev (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy


Revelation 2:4

4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.


The Lord Jesus Christ has just commended the church in Ephesus for several of her good deeds, such as her “works”, “labour”, “patience”, as well as her vigilance, discernment, separation from those who are “evil”, and fake “apostles” (v. 2). They were also commended for their “patience” (v. 3). Having credited them with the good they possessed and exhibited, the Lord now chides them for their spiritual declension.

The Lord has a deep, profound personal interest in the affairs of the church, for He is her Saviour, Bridegroom, Shepherd, Head, Lord and King. Furthermore, He has perfect knowledge of even the minutest thing that the church does. The Lord has taken notice of the church’s diminishing piety. He observes what is amiss, and faithfully reproves her for it.

Our Lord Jesus, as an impartial and the most holy Judge, takes notice of both the good and the bad in us. Let us not ever imagine that the Lord has not detected our drifting. Though we may have done much good, the Lord takes note with displeasure what is amiss in our hearts. All our good works will not serve as a cover for our spiritual rottenness. He will not approve of our backslidden condition.

The sin that Christ charged the Ephesus church with was their decay and declension in holy love and zeal. He chided her: “thou hast left thy first love”. He was not saying that she has left and forsaken Christ as the object of her love, but that she has lost the fervour and zeal of her love which she has first demonstrated. He will definitely rebuke and chastise us for our failure to love Him wholeheartedly.

The decline in enthusiasm in Christians’ love for their loving Lord and His kingdom is a prevalent spiritual malady in the church. Many begin their Christian life with great warmth of affection towards Christ, His Word, His church, His work, prayer, worship, holiness and heaven. However, their lively affections soon abate and cool off, grieving the Lord deeply. Christ is very displeased with His people who grow remiss and cold towards Him. If we are in such a condition of diminishing love for Christ, let us turn towards Him with deep contrition of soul to love Him with all our heart, mind and strength. Let us seek His help at once to retain our ardour for our loving Saviour and Lord.


Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church adheres to the system of faith commonly known as the “Reformed Faith” as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
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