7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
The first word “and” takes our attention to what has been discussed in the preceding verse. In the light of the earlier verse, we learn that while anxiety destroys the peace of heart, prayer restores and maintains peace in our hearts. To everyone who in everything prays with thanksgiving (v. 6), the peace of God is promised!
The “peace of God” is the peace which God gives. The peace referred to here is the blessed assurance that God bestows upon a praying soul in the midst of his needs and troubles. No one else can grant us peace, but the Possessor of peace, our Lord Himself. Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). The peace of God is not a wish or prayer, but a promise of God; it is guaranteed.
The peace that God promises is incomprehensible to man, for it “passeth all understanding”. No person could ever imagine or device it. There is nothing in this world that can offer such a noble and superior peace as that which God offers. This is not the result of self-esteem or selfconfidence. This cannot be secured by the schemes and powers of man. This is not what man achieves through the practice of some meditation techniques. No psychologist or psychotherapist can offer such peace and tranquillity as God promises. Though unfathomable to men, it is the Christian’s experience. God’s peace will be powerfully at work in the lives of those who rely on Him in prayer.
The human reasoning often leads to doubt and anxiety. When man’s desperate ingenuity fails to alleviate his problems, he falls further into anxiety and depression. However, God’s peace is effective in removing all disquietude. It “shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Our hearts and minds, our affections and thoughts need to be guarded; here we are promised that the peace of God will protect them. Unguarded passions and imaginations will destroy our testimony and effectiveness. Unwise decisions and foolish speculations can wreck our and others’ lives. But when our hearts and minds are guarded by God’s peace, we shall be safe and sound. Such protective peace from God comes through Christ, who is the source of our salvation and all divine blessings.