Beloved in Christ,
Much thanksgiving and praise are due unto our gracious and wonderful God for enabling us to have an orderly and smooth ACM, as well as election to the Board of Elders and various administrative positions. I am particularly thankful to the Lord for Eld. Mah, who chaired the meeting efficiently, the office bearers (Eld. Ng and Dn Boon Siang) who presented the reports, the church staff who laboured conscientiously to prepare for the meeting, and the brethren appointed as scrutineers (Bro. Lijoy George, Bro. Juffrey Balicao and Bro. Tan Eng Huat).
We praise God that all the candidates for the Board of Elders (Eld. Mah Chin Kwang, Eld. Alan Choy, Eld. Francis Lee, Eld. Ng Poh Kok, Dn Low Boon Siang) have been elected with resounding support of the congregation. May each of them be endued with the divine wisdom and strength to faithfully and fervently take oversight of the church.
Dn Low Boon Siang, who is newly elected to be an elder, shall be ordained and installed later this month, if the Lord permits, as per the church constitution. The church constitution states that the Pastor(s) shall have the oversight of the ordination of Elders (15.6). So, as soon as I return to Singapore, God willing, by 18th December, we shall plan for his ordination and the installation of the elected elders for the new term of the BOE. We shall also soon hold the affirmation of the deacons nominated and appointed by the elders, according to the constitutional requirement (18.4).
Below are the church plans for 2022, which were read out during the recent ACM by Eld. Mah Chin Kwang on my behalf. I would like to briefly elaborate on them, so that you may be well-informed of our church’s important goals for next year, if the Lord permits.
In the face of widespread spiritual and moral decadence, we ought to be very vigilant lest we be apostatised by all forms of unbiblical teachings and practices that prevail today. Individual believers and the church must revitalise their commitment to guard and grow in doctrinal and practical purity.
Spiritual peril awaits church members who are not interested in their spiritual growth (i.e. not increasing in the knowledge of the Word, holiness and service) and would not fight a good fight against the world’s influences. May God revive our hearts to plead with them to love the LORD more and more, and to forsake worldliness. Brethren, “knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying” (Romans 13:11-13).
We must look for new avenues to reach others with the Gospel, especially when some of the old-style evangelistic methods are hindered by the Covid outbreak. We must prayerfully consider every biblically sound, effective means available to win and strengthen more souls for His kingdom. Like Paul, our motto should be “by all means save some” (1 Corinthians 9:22). Without a doubt, personal evangelism is still a highly efficient method to win souls for Christ. Hence, let us continue our efforts to spread the Gospel. The church should also continue disseminating the truth through modern media, such as our BW Web Radio and BW Web TV, social media platforms etc.
Jesus taught us “that men ought always to pray, and not to faint” (Luke 18:1). This is especially important as the days become increasingly evil. He said, “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” (Luke 21:36). These are days of great seduction of minds and affections. We must pray for ourselves and our children, that they may know Christ and love Him wholeheartedly. We must humbly pray to avoid self-confident, foolish thinking that material prosperity is the true blessing. The worldly pursuit that deprives us of prayerful devotion to God is pernicious. As we read in Psalm 126:5-6, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.”
The church’s prayer life must be strengthened in the days to come. Adults, youths and children alike must cultivate the habit of private and corporate prayer. Our fellowship groups must take steps to encourage prayer amongst our members. More members of the church must participate in the Tuesday night prayer meeting. We all must love drawing nigh to God in prayer.
We thank God for the present mission fields in various countries. Apart from the outreach ministries and churches, we also support the GBI in three countries. The mission works in some places face severe hostility. Last week, one of our foreign preachers was arrested and confined for ministering God’s Word to the youths in his area of ministry. We must pray for our missionaries and their churches and extend our fellowship to strengthen their hearts and the work they do. New frontiers must also be won for the LORD. Let us pray for more labourers and His help to support them.
Acquiring a property for Gethsemane BPC, Cebu, to accommodate and manage all her ministries, has been a significant concern of our church. We thank God for all who have actively participated in it through your cheerful giving and prayers. Let us pray and give cheerfully for the completion of the Cebu Building Project.
We shall prayerfully seek a larger venue to worship together as one congregation, instead of multiple gatherings on Sunday morning. These days, mainly due to the ‘safe-distancing measures’, we are compelled to hold several services. It has been very strenuous for the pastoral team and the staff. Hence, we have been looking for a larger auditorium with facilities to accommodate our Sunday ministries. May the Lord help us.