We praise our most benevolent God who has led us by the hands of His servants in the leadership of Gethsemane for the past three decades.
In today’s e-ACM, God willing, we will have an election to the Board of Elders as per the amended church constitution, and it will be held via the online platform, Zoom, according to the guidelines given to us by the government for conducting ACM during this Covid season.
Please take note that I have asked Elder Mah Chin Kwang to chair the e-ACM and election to BOE to ensure that the meeting is held in a smooth and efficient manner. I fear disruptions to my Wi-Fi connection when I join the meeting from my present location in India. I thought it to be prudent that Elder Mah chairs the meeting from our studio in Gethsemane Media Centre. May the Lord bless all the efforts put in place to hold a smooth e-ACM.
Information on the candidates’ prior service is published below. This information is not exhaustive. Almost all of you know their dedicated service to the Lord in our midst, both as members and leaders for many years. We thank God for their faithfulness in their appointed areas of service in the past and for their readiness to continue in the service to which the Lord has called them. Let us continually pray for them and their families to remain faithful, humble and diligent in their lives and ministries.
Rev. Dr Prabhudas Koshy
Since 1990, Pastor Koshy has been preaching God’s Word in Gethsemane and was ordained as the Pastor of Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church in 1994. Since 1999, he has been leading the Church Session as its Chairman.
His main areas of ministry have been the preaching and teaching of God’s Word during Sunday worship services, Tuesday prayer meetings, various fellowship meetings, seminars, retreats and camps of Gethsemane B-P Church.
He regularly provides pastoral counselling to the members and worshippers, and also leads the Pastoral Visitation Ministry. He also gives pastoral supervision and leadership to the Bible Witness Media Ministry (as the Editor of the Bible Witness magazine), The Gethsemane Care Ministry, and all the fellowship groups of the church. He serves presently as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gethsemane Bible Witness Limited (GBWL).
He is also actively involved in training men for the ministry through FEBC, Gethsemane Bible Institutes in the Philippines, Ethiopia and India. He also conducts lectures on Systematic Theology for GBI-online and a special course, Pastoral Biblical Studies, for those in the preaching and pastoral ministry. The pastor also corresponds with our missionaries and has been visiting our church’s mission stations, prior to the travel restrictions.
He is married to Carolyn, and they have 3 children, Cornelius, Andronicus and Dorcas, and they serve the Lord as a family in Gethsemane BPC. Cornelius, who is married to Abigail, serves in our midst as a preacher of the Word.
Elder Mah Chin Kwang
Since Gethsemane BPC’s inception in 1988, Elder Mah has been serving in the leadership of Gethsemane as an elder. He served as the chairman of the Interim Committee till 1994, and of the Session (1995-1999).
He has laboured in various leadership roles of Gethsemane: Clerk-of-Session, Leader of Gethsemane Encouragers’ Ministry, Finance Committee Member, Building Committee Member, etc.
He regularly teaches God’s Word in Catechism Class, Seniors’ Ministry, The Gethsemane Care Ministry. He also serves as worship chairman on Sundays and renders his advice and help in many areas of church administration, such as Finance Committee. He takes leadership in organising the Newcomers’ gatherings from time to time. Elder Mah has led several mission trips to places like Kuching, Pangasinan, Cebu, etc.
Elder Mah has served in the committee (together with Pastor and Elder Francis) that was convened for studying and proposing the amendments to the church constitution. He also serves in GBWL’s Board of Directors as its secretary.
He is married to Lean Choo, and they have two children, Melissa and Matthew. Melissa serves the Lord in BWMM, and Matthew serves in the committee of GCM and other areas of the church ministries. Matthew is married to Fidelia, and they have two children, Ethan and Kate.
Elder Ng Poh Kok
In 2008, Elder Ng and his family joined Gethsemane B-P Church. Prior to that, he served as a deacon in Sharon BPC (1978-2002) and as an elder (2002-2008). He also served in Sharon BPC as a Sunday School teacher and as its Superintendent.
Elder Ng was elected as an elder of our church in 2013. During the recent term of the Session, he has served as the Treasurer. He also serves on the committees of Gethsemane Adults’ Fellowship and Gethsemane Men’s Fellowship. He co-labours with Pastor in the leadership of the Pastoral Visitation Ministry.
He also serves as worship chairman on Sundays and renders his advice and help in many areas of church administration, such as the Finance Committee. He is a member of GBWL’s Board of Director.
His wife, Sis Dorothy, and their two daughters, Sarah and Sharon, are also members of Gethsemane BPC. Sarah is married to Samuel Yong, and they both actively serve the Lord in our church. Sharon, who was married to our late missionary Dominino dela Cruz Jr, now serves the Lord in our midst, together with her son Nehemiah.
Elder Alan Choy Weng Heng
Since 1995, Elder Choy has been a member of Gethsemane BPC. From 1997 to 2003, he served as a deacon. In 2003, he was elected and ordained as an elder of Gethsemane BPC.
In the Session, he has laboured in various leadership roles: Clerk-of-Session, Treasurer, etc., as well as being a member of the Finance Committee and Building Committee in recent years. He presently leads the GYF Committee with Pastor.
He attended FEBC as a part-time student and graduated with Certificate of Religious Knowledge in May 2013.
He regularly teaches in Catechism Class and ministers at the Lions Home for the Elders, etc. In the Chinese Service, he serves as a worship chairman and preaches God’s Word, when the need arises. He serves presently as the Treasurer of GBWL’s Board of Directors.
He is married to Luan Kheng; and they have three children, Eunice, Jenice and Amoz. Eunice is married to Jeffrey Setiawan, and they worship and serve in Gethsemane. As a family, the Choys serve the Lord actively in various areas of ministry in Gethsemane BPC.
Elder Francis Lee Kek Gee
Elder Francis and family joined Gethsemane as members in 2008. Before that, he was a member of Life B-P Church (since 1988), and True Life B-P Church (2003-2007). Upon joining Gethsemane, he rendered his services in various ministries of the church.
He became a deacon in Gethsemane in 2011 and diligently served in the Session to date. He has faithfully served in the Session as the Clerk-of-Session and also as the Treasurer. He is a member of the Finance Committee of the church.
He has rendered his service as the Camp Master in annual church camps, Committee Member of Gethsemane Adults’ Fellowship and Gethsemane Men’s Fellowship. Presently, he also serves in Gethsemane Defenders’ Ministry. He also served along with Elder Mah in several past mission trips to our mission fields.
He sought theological learning through FEBC and graduated with Certificate of Religious Knowledge in 2008, and Certificate of Biblical Studies in 2010.
He served as a Project Owner of the Building Renovation Committee of Gethsemane Media Centre, and now he is as a member of GBWL’s Board of Directors. In addition, Elder Francis has served in the committee (together with Pastor and Elder Mah) that was convened for studying and proposing the amendments to the church constitution.
His wife Stephanie and their four children, Sarah, Michelle, Samuel and Moses, worship and serve the Lord in Gethsemane BPC and participate in her various fellowship groups. Sarah is married to Jordy Kay who serves in GCM Committee.
Dn Low Boon Siang
Dn Boon Siang was saved and baptised in Gethsemane in the year 2001. Over the years, as he steadily grew spiritually, he served the Lord in Youth Fellowship (2002-2008); Ushers’ Ministry (2005-2009); Young Adults’ Fellowship Committee (2008-2012); Audio-visual Ministry (2009-2015); Men’s Fellowship Committee (2013-2019). He has also served in committees of Church Camp (2009 and 2012).
As a teacher of God’s Word to children, Bro. Boon Siang serves in Junior Worship (2006 to present) and in GCM (2008 to 2013). He has also served the Lord in the Fundamental Christian Ministry of NTU and NIE (2006-2008), and the B-P Combined Youth Conference Committee (2007-2008).
Upon his election as a deacon in 2015, he was appointed to be a member of the Finance Committee, and was given the leadership of Young Adults’ Fellowship. In 2017, he was appointed to lead the Ushers’ Ministry. He laboured much in organising the 5th Missionary Conference held in Kuching, Sarawak. In the Church Session (2017-2019), he served as the Treasurer. In the last Church Session (2019-2021), he served with great dedication as the Clerk-of-Session.
He is also pursuing the Certificate of Biblical Studies (CertBS) in Far Eastern Bible College through part-time studies. His wife Hui Lin and their two young sons, Christopher and Caleb, worship in Gethsemane BPC and participate in many fellowship groups and ministries.