Report by Samson Hutagalung
"I have preached righteousness in the great congregation: lo, I have not refrained my lips, O LORD, thou knowest. I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth from the great congregation" (Psalm 40:9-10).
David’s commitment to declare God’s greatness and His truth among all the people of God reflects our prayer and passion behind the GBI-Online ministry. "God shall send forth his mercy and his truth" (Psalm 57:3), and for that purpose, God has appointed "the church of the living God" as "the pillar and ground of the truth" (1 Timothy 3:15).
Hence, it is with much thanksgiving to our God that I write this brief report on Gethsemane Bible Institute (online) or GBI-Online. Six years have passed since we made our first humble efforts to start this ministry. His grace has enabled us through this ministry to extend the teaching of God’s Word in our church to God’s people all around the world. Our hearts are thrilled to see how the Lord has used GBI-Online to educate and edify God’s people everywhere.
I am glad to report to you that the Lord has used GBI-Online to spread the Gospel everywhere. We have now 155 active students, learning God’s Word from different countries. These students came from different backgrounds and countries, such as Singapore, Malaysia, The Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, India, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Zambia.
GBI-Online now offers several courses, including the following: (1) Systematic Theology 1 – Theism; (2) Systematic Theology 2 – Bibliology; (3) Systematic Theology 3 – Anthropology; (4) Systematic Theology 4 – Soteriology; (5) Systematic Theology 5 – Ecclesiology; (6) Systematic Theology 6 – Eschatology; (7) The Book of Jonah; (8) The Names of God; (9) Theology of Prayer; (10) Divine Adoption; (11) The Book of Revelation. In addition, we currently have two ongoing courses that Pastor Koshy is still teaching off-line, namely (1) The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah (which quite a number of you are taking online, due to the current situation), and (2) The Book of Isaiah (which Pastor Koshy teaches during every Wednesday Lunch-Hour Bible Study).
We are glad to know that some of you desire to study the Book of Isaiah. Thus, we shall try to make it available in GBI-Online as soon as possible. Since the Book of Isaiah is still ongoing offline, we shall offer this course gradually. We shall make available the study of the first nine chapters of the Book of Isaiah, and we shall add more lessons as we go along. You may remember Pastor in prayer as he labours to teach these two subjects.
Currently, we can access 12 courses at GBI-Online. Let us make use of the time and opportunities that we have now to learn God’s Word in-depth. Visit and sign up for any course from those made available for your learning. Blessed be the LORD God who hath not left us destitute of His mercy and His truth.
Apart from the courses mentioned above, we are also working on another two set of courses which Pastor had taught before for Wednesday Lunch-Hour Bible Study, namely (1) The Book of Zechariah, and (2) The Book of Job. We are working on the technical issues; when ready, they will also be offered as part of GBI-Online.
During this period of global pandemic, how good it is that we spend more time with the Lord in the study of His Word. As the apostle Peter wrote in 2 Peter 3:18, "But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen." As the Lord commands us to know His Word, let us hunger and thirst for its knowledge and blessings. Without His truth that edifies us, we cannot live a life that is pleasing to the Lord.
May we continue to pray for Pastor Koshy, as he labours day and night to teach God’s Word and makes it available through GBI-Online. Please also pray for our GMC media staff (Arnold Diaz, Matthew Peh and Melissa Mah) and me, as well as all who labour daily to record, edit and make available the teaching of God’s Word.
We also thankfully remember all those who have assisted us, from time to time, in many different ways. Continue to cheerfully give as the Lord leads you, that this ministry may be well-maintained and become profitable to God’s people – not only in Gethsemane BPC, but also all around the world. May the Lord make Gethsemane BPC a blessing to God’s people everywhere.