Dear Pastor Koshy,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
We thank God for His help in enabling us to finish another semester of teaching and learning in GBI, India. Exams are scheduled for the last week of this month and students are currently preparing for it. Last semester, two full-time students and two part-time students took classes. We offered courses on Theism, Bibliology, Zechariah, Westminster Standards and Theology of Prayer. Most of the students had difficulty in following the lessons and doing the assignments, as they are not proficient in English. But they are trying their best to do well for the upcoming exams.
Through contacts of the current students, some new students have shown interest in joining GBI for next semester, starting in July 2019. May God guide them as they plan to study God’s Word.
Recently, we started a Bible Study cum prayer gathering in Gethsemane Bookroom on Monday evenings. GBI students and some friends have been joining the meetings. We are going through the Book of Ephesians and spending time for prayer during those meetings.
God willing, we are planning to have a Sunday English Worship service in the Bookroom premises from first week of June onwards. Please pray that the Lord will bring His children to sit under His feet to learn and grow in Him.
We are thankful for the prayers and support extended for the work here. May the Lord richly bless the church with all spiritual blessings and physical provisions. We are praying for God’s continued provisions for the urgent needs of the church in Singapore, especially for the funds needed for the renovation works of the new premises.
In Christ,
Sujith Samuel