It is our honourable duty to recall all good things that the LORD has done amongst us and give praise to Him duly. Scripture frequently exhorts us, as His people, to give thanks to the LORD. One of many such exhortations is 1 Chronicles 16:8- 10: “Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk ye of all his wondrous works. Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD.”
Over the past 13 years, the Lord has nurtured in our midst an effective Gospel ministry to the Chinese-speaking relatives of our members and friends. It has pleased the Lord to use it to bring several of our dear ones to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and also to nurture those who have believed in Christ through the Word and fellowship. Therefore, in gratefulness to God, we will worship Him in a combined worship service of the English and Chinese congregations.
Preacher Daniel Lim, who ministers God’s Word amongst our Chinese-speaking brethren, has been faithfully and zealously serving the Lord for about 11 years. He not only regularly preaches God’s Word during worship services on the Lord’s Day, but also holds Bible studies after worship service, and whenever brethren need them. He also regularly visits the sick and those who are in need of encouragement. On Tuesday nights, he leads brethren from the Chinese Ministry in Bible Study-cum-Prayer Meeting. His ministry is also extended to Gethsemane Seniors’ Ministry, The Gethsemane Care Ministry and Gethsemane Prison Ministry. The Lord also strengthened him to regularly travel to Malaysia and preach in the Chinese ministries of Kemaman Life B-P Church, Terengganu, and Calvary Jaya B-P Church, KL. Let us pray regularly for Pr Daniel Lim, that He may serve victoriously for the Lord.
We are also grateful for the brethren who co-labour with Pr Daniel Lim in Chinese Worship Service on every Lord’s Day, and also on other occasions. We gratefully remember and praise the Lord for all those who serve as worship chairmen, pianists, ushers, helpers, etc. May God be your special joy and strength in your wholehearted service.
Let us serve Him as we are exhorted to do in His Word. Please consecrate to serve Him according to the following Scriptural exhortations.
Serve Him whole heartedly
Serve Him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind
Serve Him with sincerity and in truth
Serve with gladness
Serve Him with humility
Serve Him with fervent spirit
感谢我们在天上的天父对我们 客西玛尼笃信圣经长老会华文崇拜 在过去十三年的恩待,供应与赐福。 十三年的光阴有如早上的露水,太 阳一升起就消散无影无踪。然而在 这岁月不留人的日子里,神大能的圣 手不停地保护着我们,神的信实,慈 爱更没有停止,离开,每天都是何等 的丰富。在这一年里蒙神在他的管 教里,让我们对神建造我们生命,经 历,跟神话语的认识可说是何等宝 贵生命的领悟,而且对神要我们在主 里所当活的生命与行的事借着圣经向我们启明白好让我们行天家道路有目标,尊神的旨意行。 天父是配得一切的感恩与荣耀,我们在这欢庆的十三年周年一起来崇拜感恩,愿父神加多您 的恩惠在我们每个儿女身上,让我们多一些的依靠,爱主,行在神喜悦的道路里,更体贴父神 的心意将您爱世人,为世人成就了救赎恩典,借着主耶稣基督十字架的舍命第三天复活,让世 人认识您唯一真神,凡信靠您的必不灭亡反得永生。愿主在我们这些软弱的器皿来盛满您的恩 赐,智慧,生命,让我们在新的一年里都协力跟随,侍奉主,愿主圣名常得赞美与荣耀。